Chaste Tree

by Dang Pham

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Dr. William C.Welch

History and Introduction (Top)

Chaste tree (chaste berry) has its original latin name as " vitex-agunus-castus. The fact that chase tree is named diffrently in various areas. Chaste tree ( chaste berry) is original form Miditerranean reagion and western Asia. This medicinal plant is also commonly called"Vitex",and it is cultivated in the subtropical warm regions. During the Middle Age, people consumed chaste berry as herbal remedy in order to disminish their sexual desire especially monks, therefore, chaste tree is also called as "monk's pepper".[8]

Chaste berry tree or Vitex is a kind of pretty tree which is about 10-20 feet height, its leaves are about 3-4 inches in diameter. Chaste tree some time is confused with the butterfly bush since these 2 types of plants have similar flowers. Vitex-agunus-castus is one of a genus from the Verbenaceace family. Vitex ( chaste berry) has hard fruits which is used for synthesizing medicine.[1]

Common Names

  • Lilac Chaste tree
  • Hemp tree
  • Sage tree
  • Indian Spice
  • Agnus Castus
  • Vitex
  • Monk's Pepper
  • Chase Berry
  • Monk's Berry
  • Manjing Zi

Botanical Names

  • Family Verbenaceae
  • Vitex agnus-castus
  • Vitex Millis
  • Vitex Trifolial
  • [2]

Medical Use (Top)

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by Nutrovia

Chaste tree ( Vitex) does contain a certain amount of active chemicals that effect human dopamine level. As definition, dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter which funtions as transfering messages from the nerve cells to other cells within the body. In other words, the chemical reagents in the Vitex agnus-castus help incease the dopamine level in blood to avoid the diseases such as Parkinson. The parts of the chaste berry such as leaves, flowers, and berries are both usesful to medicinal field.

Nowaday, Vitex agnus-castus is used as woman's herb for treating female menstrual hormone imbalances. Chaste berry's chemical reagents helps reduce in bloating,breast swelling and irritability in women during their menstrual periods. The affected agents in chaste berry tree stimulate the production of the hormone in the human body. That helps regulate menstrual cycles, and relieve menstrual pain. In additon, the Vitex agnus-castus extract also treats premature ejaculation, arthristis, coughing, edema, and insufficent lactation.[3]

Precautions (Top)

Eventhough Vitex chaste berry extract increases the dopamine level in blood to avoid Parkinson disease, it can't be abused or overdosed, since the excess amount of dopamine may cause other diseases such as schizophrenia. Women who just gave birth should not take Vitex extract since it may lower the production of breast milk.[4] Several researchers found that Vitexin ( Chaste berry extract)can both decrease and increase the prolactin level in the body. The excess amount of prolactin in blood cause stop the menstrual periods, and that is a very dangerous matter to women. Moreover, too little prolactin may reduce the milk production to women who just gave birth.[10]

Beside the usefulness of Chaste berry extract, there are also side effects which may be harmful to our health such as, hair loss, fast heartbeats, itching, nausea, rash, headache, and bledding between menstrual cycles. Chaste berry extract should not be taken during prenancy. Therefore, it would be a great idea to avoid the side-effects is consulting a physican before taking Vitex extract as well as other herbals.[5]

Chemical Constituents (Top)

The part which is used the most in Chaste tree is its fruit. The fruits taste slightly bitter and spicy as pepper ( monk's pepper), and mainly contains 1,8- cineole, C10H18O. Vitex agnus-castus extract also contains many other chemical agents such as:

  • Volatile oils contents
  • Agnoside
  • Aucubin
  • Eurostoside
  • Casticin
  • 3,6,7,4'-trtramethyllether of 6 hydoxy-camhpor oil
  • Isovitexin
  • Orientin
  • Viticine
  • Alpha-pinenes
  • Beta-pinenes
  • Camphene
  • Prerotundi furan luteolin
  • 1,8 cineole
  • Crysopleneol D ; etc [6]

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1,8 cineole molecule
by Berman. Henrich and H. Nakamura

1,8 cineole is one of a affected agent which is mainly contained within the berries. This chemical substance has such a complicated physical property and is described as:

  • Molecular Formula (MF): C10H18O
  • Synonyms: limonene oxide, 1,8-oxido-p-methane, or eucalyptole.
  • Color: colourless liquid
  • Specific Gravity: 0.922
  • Solubility: Insoluble
  • Boiling point: 176-177oC
  • Melting point: 2oC[9]

  • Other Interesting Facts (Top)

    The acients in the past used Chaste tree to treat many other health prblems such as fever, indigestion, ameliorate dropsy. The leaves and seeds of the Chaste berry tree was used to treat the bites of snakes and spiders. Many years later, the Persian mixed Chaste berries with other herbs to synthesize the medicine for treating madness, calming hysteria, and epilepsy. The last interesting thing about Chaste berry tree is that people used chaste-tree to make baskets, furnitures because of its flexibility. Generally, Chaste berry tree ( Vitex agnus-castus) is very beneficial and useful to our lives.[7]

    Isolation and Synthesis (Top)


    • Common name: eucalyptol
    • Chemical name: 1,3,3-trimethyl-2 oxabicyclo[2,2,2]octane
    • Chemical formula: C10H8O
    • Molecular mass: 154.249 g/mol
    • CAS number: [470-82-6]
    • Density: 0.9225 g/cm3
    • Very insoluble in H2O.
    • Can be soluble in ether,chloroform, and ethanol
    • Nonetoxic and unreative compound.
    • Present mostly in eucalyptus leaf oil
    • .
    • A symetrical, cyclic ether.
    • An achiral molecule.
    • [11]


    2D model (ChemSketch) of 1,8 Cineole

    3D model (ChemSketch) of 1,8 Cineole


    1,8-cineole and its isomer 1,4-cineole are both synthesized by the rearrangement of the reactants terpene, or isoprene (terpene is used more often). Strong acids such as acid sulfuric, H2SO4 and heteropoly acid, H3PW12O4(PW) are very necessary for this type of reaction. These strong acids functions as the catalysts which helps convert the reactant ( terpene compound) into its isomerization, and this is a pathway or intermediate to produce 1,8-cineole and its isomer 1,4- cineole.[12]

    Eventhough both acid sulfuric, H2SO4 and heteropoly acid (HPAs) are promoted as the effective catalyst in the reaction, heteropoly acid (PW) is selected to use in most reations because of its strength. Heteropoly acid (PW) is also combined with SiO2 to form a most effective catalyst which helps increase the rate of the reaction.[12]

    Solvent is also an important element for this type of reaction. Solvent shouldn't be water, H2O since water lowers the acidity of heteropoly acid ( catalyst). Solvent should be some type of aqueous so that heteropoly acid can't be soluble within it (solvent). That helps to keep the strength of the catalyst during the whole reaction, and therefore increases the yield of product (isomerization of terpene compound). Here are some of the favorite solvents for this reaction: Cyclohexane, Acetonitrile (MeCN), Dimethyl Formamide (DMF), Nitrobenzene (PhNO2)(a highly suggested solvent).[12]

    The pathways to synthesize 1,8 cineole
    Picture is extracted from an article which is cited below [12].

    In the above picture, the starting reactant is alpha-terpineol which is belong to the terpene family, and also used to synthesize 1,8 cineole (step 1). In the pathway between step 1 and step 2, one H+ is donated by the strong acid ( catalyst) to break the double bond of alpha-terpineol, and form a possitive cloud at the carbon number 1 of the cyclohexane ring. In the step 2, the possitive charge of the carbon number 1 and the lone-pair electrons of the Oxygen in the O-H group attract eachother. The attraction between possitive and negative charge formed another bond that connect between the oxygen (-) and the carbon #1 (+), and a 1,8-cineole molecule is produced eventually.


    1,8 cineole is contained mostly in many kinds of volatile oil such as volatile present in Vitexin ( chaste berry), or other volatile oil from other herbs. In other words, the main source of 1,8 cineole is the volatile oil. In order to regconize the 1,8 cineole in a particular volatile oil, we need to use a substrate which is 1,1,6,6-tetraphenylhaxa-2,4-diyne-1,6-diol to bind with 1,8 cineole in volatile oil and form a crystal complex. This crystal complex is measured and regconized by both methods IR, H-1,, and NMR. After that, we apply the Kugelrohr vaccum technology to seperate or isolate 1,8 cineole from the crystal complex to collect pure 1,8-cineole. That's how 1,8 cineole is isolated from volatile oil.[13]


    Other names for 1,8-cineole from Scifinder Data base

    • P-menthane
    • 1,8-epoxy (8 Cl)
    • 1,8-Epoxy-p-menthane
    • Eucalyptol
    • Terpan
    • p-cineole

    References (Top)

    [1]Vitex agnus-castus, updated 05/27/2001, from

    [2]Chaste Tree, from

    [3]Chaste Tree: Herbal Remedies, Jennifer Brett, N.D, from

    [4]Herbs and Supplements, Chaste Tree, August 2007, from,3924,4094%7CChaste%2BTree,00.html

    [5]Herbs and Supplements, Chaste Tree, August 2007, from,3925,4094%7CChaste%2BTree,00.html

    [6]Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Berry, Phytoestrogen as Viable Option, Amphoteric Remedy, Famous Anaphrodisiac and PMS Treatment, Fertility Supplements New Choice for Women, Phytochemicals and Content, from

    [7]Chastetree (Vitex agunus-castus), History and Curiosities from,

    [8]Vitex agnus-castus, Septermber 12, 2007 from

    [9]Safety Data for 1,8 cineole, from,8-cineole.html

    [10]Chaste Berry Tree Alternative Medicine Encyclopedia, Chaste Tree from,

    [11]Aparicio, Santiago, Rafael Alcalde, J.Phys.Chem.B. 2007. 111. 3167-3177". "Properties of 1,8 Cineole: A Thermolphysical and Theoretical Study",

    [12]Lana Enio, Kelly Rocha, Ivan Kozhevnikov, and Elena Gusevskaya. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A : Chemical.,November, 2006, 259, 1-2, 99-102. "Synthesis Isomerization of alpha-Teripineol Catalyzed by Heteropoly Acid"

    [13]WS, Guo, Guo F, Tong J, Chang J, Cai YP, Lui CY, Hou DY, Hui RH.Web of Science.26,5 May 10, 2005."Selective isolation of 1,8-cineole from volatile oil of Flos Magnoliae(Xin Yi) via inclusion crystalline"

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