Authors: David A. Kravitz and Robert S. Wyer, Jr.

Title: The effects of behavioral intentions and consequences on judgments of the actor and other: An S-V-O analysis.

Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 1561-1575. 1979.

An extension of Gollob’s subject-verb-object model of social inference was used to investigate the effects of information about behavioral intentions and consequences on judgments of both an actor and the person toward whom the behavior is directed. Participants received one or more pieces of information about some or all of the following factors: an attribute of the actor, the actor’s intentions to help or hinder the other, the actual consequences of this action (whether the other is helped or hindered), and an attribute of the other. Judgments of actors’ admirableness increased with the favorableness of the adjectives describing them, the favorableness of both their intentions and the consequences of their actions, the justness of their intentions and of the consequences of their actions, and their ability to produce the consequences they intended. Judgments of the other’s admirableness depended only on the adjectives describing the other and, when this adjective was not presented, on the consequences of the actor’s behavior for the other. Behavioral consequences appeared to affect judgments of both the actor and the other independently of the actor’s intentions. A second experiment demonstrated that the effects of information on judgments of the actor depend on the dimension of judgment in predictable ways and suggested that judgments of admirableness may be mediated by perceptions of both virtuousness and competence.

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