Authors: William K. Balzer, Patricia C. Smith, David A. Kravitz, Sharon E. Lovell, Karen B. Paul, Barbara A. Reilly, and Christopher E. Reilly

Title: Users' manual for the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and the Job in General (JIG) scales.

Source: Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University. 1990.

This manual is designed to provide practitioners and researchers with information necessary to use the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Job in General (JIG) scales. Part I of the manual is designed primarily for practitioners interested in using the JDI and JIG as aids to identifying and solving practical personnel problems. This first section serves as a basic primer on job satisfaction and includes step by step instructions for administering, scoring, and reporting results from the JDI and JIG. For those individuals preparing to conduct research in job satisfaction using the JDI and JIG, or for those practitioners wishing a greater understanding of the scales, Part II of this manual provides a theoretical discussion of the construct of satisfaction and a technical description of the methods used to develop and revise the JDI and JIG scales.

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