poissonfd13.m % Program 8.5 Finite difference solver for 2D Poisson equation % with Dirichlet boundary conditions on a rectangle % Input: rectangle domain [xl,xr]x[yb,yt] with MxN space steps % Output: matrix w holding solution values % Example usage: w=poissonfd13(0,1,0,1,10,10) function w=poissonfd13(xl,xr,yb,yt,M,N) T0 = 0; T1 = 10; h=(xr-xl)/M;h2=h^2;k=(yt-yb)/N;k2=k^2; f=@(x,y) 0; %; % define input function data g1=@(x) 0; % define boundary values g2=@(x) 0; % Example 8.8 is shown g3=@(y) 0; g4=@(y) 10; m=M+1;n=N+1; mn=m*n; x=xl+(0:M)*h; % set mesh values y=yb+(0:N)*k; A=zeros(mn,mn);b=zeros(mn,1); for i=2:m-1 % interior points for j=2:n-1 A(i+(j-1)*m,i-1+(j-1)*m)=1/h2;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+1+(j-1)*m)=1/h2; A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-1)*m)=-2/h2-2/k2; A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-2)*m)=1/k2;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+j*m)=1/k2; b(i+(j-1)*m)=f(x(i),y(j)); end end for i=1:m % bottom and top boundary points j=1;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-1)*m)=1;b(i+(j-1)*m)=g1(x(i)); j=n;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-1)*m)=1;b(i+(j-1)*m)=g2(x(i)); end for j=2:n-1 % left and right boundary points i=1;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-1)*m)=1;b(i+(j-1)*m)=g3(y(j)); i=m;A(i+(j-1)*m,i+(j-1)*m)=1;b(i+(j-1)*m)=g4(y(j)); end v=A\b; % solve for solution in v labeling w=reshape(v(1:mn),m,n); %translate from v to w mesh(x,y,w')