Conceptual Framework Narrative

As educators we all come to the table with experiences, knowledge concepts, and personality traits that shape our thinking about teaching, learning, and the way we teach. My experience in teacher education has been primarily with the Integration of Technology in Schools (ITS) cohort program. I continue to walk in the footsteps of those who have taught me while I am encouraging my students to do the same. Learning and subsequently teaching in this cohort environment may indicate to some that I have learned from a narrow perspective. However, the program is grounded in good pedagogy and reflects what learners need to know in a changing world. It also helps that the program is designed by a visionary. The concepts learned are founded in constructivist learning theory with great attention to what is happening in society and in schools. I have developed very strong allegiances to the concepts I teach because I have applied them in my own teaching and my students have learned. More importantly, they continue to apply what they have learned in their own practice. I believe the ITS program is a model of high quality teacher education and the concepts I have learned translate to any content area and learning environment. This framework on teacher education informs my thinking as I explore and understand the use and quality of online learning environments in higher education.

What has influenced my thinking about teacher education and being a teacher educator can be divided into two parts: the concepts that influence my thoughts about humanity and teacher education and the concepts that influence my knowledge about educating teachers.

Humanity and Teacher Education

Knowledge Concepts and Teacher Education

Conceptual Framework Graphic