This project on return -- "Coming Home" -- originated as a joint faculty and student attempt to understand how the experience of Americans who go abroad affects their later experience when they return to the United States and go to college. From the beginning, the project has included three kinds of experience: growing up overseas, returning from overseas duty in the military, and going abroad to study as part of the college experience. The project aims to understand both the simialities and differences among these different kinds of return.
The project began in Fall of 2008 and completed its first round of interviews by Spring 2009. The interviewers for the first round of the project were Rose Guterbock, David Haines, Angela Hamilton, and Lucy Hochstein. Another set of interviews was conducted by Angela Hamilton and David Haines during the 2009-2010 academic year. The project recommenced with a third round of interviews conducted by David Haines in the fall of 2013 after his return from a year abroad in Italy and South Korea.