Welcome to
Web Site
Data Patterns with Micromaps
Daniel B. Carr, George Mason
University, Fairfax, Virginia,
USA; Linda
Williams Pickle, StatNet Consulting, LLC., Gaithersburg,
Maryland, USA
Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary
This web site provides a
common starting point for accessing Micromaps
Resources and News.
The links below provide
access to separate pages for Linked, Conditioned and Comparative Micromaps.
The resources include the
software, boundary files, and data files to produce most of the micromap
examples in the book.
Most of the new Linked
Micromap examples are currently available.
All of the Conditioned and
Comparative Micromap are available.
The Conditioned Micromaps
resources include a growing list of
Contributed CCmaps examples not in the book.
Contributions are
welcome. Contact dcarr@gmu.edu
Micromaps R functions and scripts.
Micromaps CCmaps (Java) is included.
Micromaps R functions and scripts.
The National Cancer Institute provides Linked Micromap software via
http://gis.cancer.gov/tools/micromaps/. This Java
software is pretty
easy to use for creating
new examples. It will import shape files
boundaries and comma
delimited files for data. In contrast,
the R functions
and scripts above require
some knowledge of R and additional work when
new boundary files are involved. A package is planned that will simplify
production using R.
Over time this web site
will contain pointers from more tools for
producing micromaps. Ideally this will include commercial software
as well as free