Visualizing Data Patterns with Micromaps

Comparative Micromaps Resources

Zip file with R Scripts, Boundaries Files, and Data

Additional Notes


Disclaimer:  Everything is provided without warranty.


Feel free to adapt the scripts for use with your data. 


Copyright Notes 


1.  Without substantial modifications, such as using different data,

copyrights to the book’s graphics produced using

resources here still belong to CRC Press.   If you want to publish

the book’s examples, be sure to get permission.    


2. The scripts and functions provided here are not to be copyrighted

by anyone else.  One goal is to develop an R package for public use. 


Comparative Micromaps Zip file

      Use R script “Examples.r” in each folder to quickly generate the figures.

     This makes sure required functions and boundaries are read first.      



     Example Reminder 


6.1 = 1.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

6.1 Unemployment


6.2, 6.7

6.2 Homicide  young males 


6.8, 6.9

6.8  Sex by Year

Comparative Mortality Ratios WF lung Cancer


6.3, 6.10

6.3 Yield Spread for Countries


7.12,  7.13, 7.14

All : Pre and Post

Katrina Population Changes




1.  Accessing New times series data

Access BLS Unemployment Data

Access Data using CDC’s PC Wonder

Example R scripts to read resulting files and

produce comparative micromaps to be posted soon.  


2.  The dynamic Java version by Zhang and Carr

No date for posting yet.