Answers for HW #2

STAT 554, Spring 2008

Print out this page, put your name on it, fill in the correct answers, and submit it at our 6th class meeting. (For some of the parts (which are worth no points), answers are provided. These may serve as useful checks of your work.)

Problem 1

Round each confidence interval endpoint to the nearest tenth.

part answer
(a) _
(b) (61.6, 64.7)
(c) _
(d) # add'l obs. _
conf. int. _____________

Problem 2

Round the power value to the nearest thousandth. Give the exact (integer) value for the sample size requested for part (b).

part answer
(a) _
(b) ______

Problem 3

Round each p-value to two significant digits, and each confidence interval endpoint as indicated on the assignment.

part answer
(a) _
(b) 0.079
(c) _
(d) _
(e) _
(f) _
(g) (0.45, 0.92)

Problem 4

Round each confidence interval endpoint as indicated on the assignment.

part answer
(a) (0.477, 0.648)
(b) (0.473, 0.652)
(c) (0.476, 0.645)
(d) (0.472, 0.649)
(e) _

Problem 5, Problem 6, & Problem 7

Round each p-value to two significant digits. (E.g., the following numbers all have two significant digits: 0.029, 1.7, 0.0040, 0.33, 0.00062.) Round each confidence interval endpoint as indicated on the assignment.

Problem answer
5 ____________
6 _
7 _