Information Pertaining to the Final Exam


The official exam period is 7:30-10:15 PM on Tuesday, May 9. You are expected to take the exam during the official time slot. Exceptions to this policy will rarely be made.
(Note: The official time slot for the exam may be changed. For example, if there are too many class cancelations due to bad weather, or for any other reason, the Provost may alter the exam schedule. During the spring semester, when weather is often a problem, it may be unwise to plan to be out of the area until a week after the time originally scheduled for the final exam.)

The exam is an open books and open notes exam. You can use whatever printed or written material that you bring with you to the exam. You cannot share books or notes during the exam.

You can use a calculator and/or computer during the exam if you wish to. (Some may wish to use software such as Maple or Mathematica.) However, you cannot connect to the internet, or communicate in any way with another party.

Extra Office Hours

In addition to my regularly scheduled office hours, I'll hold the following extra office hours in Robinson A248 (not our usual classroom) during the weekend before the exam:

Description of the Exam

The exam has 17 parts to it, but by reorganizing and combining the parts of it I could have reduced it to about 11 or 12 parts. (E.g., instead of asking for an MLE, a CRLB, and an asymptotic confidence interval in three separate parts, I could have just asked for the asymptotic confidence interval. But by doing it the way I did, I'll be getting you to organize your work in a way that will benefit your partial credit if you get something wrong. Plus, it could be that the CRLB and the MLE will be useful for obtaining answers to other parts of the exam besides the asymptotic confidence interval.) If you find that you need the answer to a previous part to arrive at the answer for another part, and you weren't able to get the answer to the previous part, or you are worried that you got it wrong, then be sure to indicate that you know that you should be using the answer from a previous part in your solution. (E.g., if you need the MLE from part (b) to answer part (j), then in your solution to part (j) use the hat notation to indicate where the estimator goes, and go through the derivation of the confidence interval using theta hat (or tau(theta) hat) along the way. If at the final step you want to plug in an unsure guess as to what the needed MLE is, then do so --- if it's wrong, then I can look at the line just above your final answer to perhaps see that you had everything else right.)

Note: I will count your best two of three totals from Problems 2, 3, and 4, to make this a 100 point exam. (Problem 1 is worth 50 points.) You can skip some of the confidence interval and hypothesis testing parts that I covered at the end of the semester and still get a score of 100. In fact, you can get a score of 70 just using results that were covered in the class notes prior to when we got to Pitman estimators. (Note that Pitman estimators and Bayes estimators are not covered at all on the exam.) Of course, to get an A for the course, a score of 70 will not be sufficient, and you'll need to be able to do some of the material covered towards the end of the course. But to get a B for the course, a score of 70 will be adequate.

Although the usefulness of some of the topics that I have suggested that you study may not be apparent from the above description of the exam, it could be that you'll find things not explicitly referred to above useful in arriving at the desired answers.

What to Study

In class I said that with regard to point estimation methods, the exam will cover MMEs, MLEs, and UMVUEs, but not Bayesian and Pitman estimators. MLEs will be espeicially important. (Note: To determine a GLR test, you need to be able to find an MLE or several MLEs.)

With regard to confidence intervals, you should be able to find asymptotic confidence intervals based on asymptotically normal MLEs. (Part (b) of Problem 2 on HW #6 pertains to an asymptotic interval. Also, you should be able to find exact confidence intervals using the pair of related results on pages F-14 and F-15 of the class notes. (Part (a) of Problem 2 on HW #6 can be done this way.)

Hypothesis testing will be emphasized on the final exam since it was not emphasized on the homework (because many of the important methods are only covered during the last class period (one week prior to the final)).

Below are detailed guidelines pertaining to what you should know in order to do well on the exam. Although I explicitly refer to some specific topics that you can ignore, you can also take the lack of information about any topic to mean that it's not something that is emphasized on the exam.

Homework Problems to Review

The 9 parts/problems in bold type are particularly good to understand. Some of the problems from HW #6 are also quite good, but since you won't get feedback from me about those prior to the exam, for the confidence interval and hypothesis testing material, it might be better to study examples for which I've already supplied you with the answers (but of course I did supply you with some checks on HW #6). The other parts/problems are of lesser importance. (Note: I strongly advise that you study the problems on the HYPOTHESIS TESTING EXAMPLES handout.)
HW #2
1(a), 1(b), 1(d), 2(a), 2(b), 3
HW #4
1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 1(d), 1(e)
HW #5
1(a), 1(b)
HW #6
2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 3, 4