A Look at the RPI

The RPI is one way to compare the performances of teams that play different schedules, and have different percentages of home and away games. The RPI attempts to make adjustments for strength of schedule and different percentages of home and away games. In a sense it tries to determine how strong teams would appear to be if they all played "on a level playing field."
  1. Instead of using "straight" winning percentages, an adjustment is made by weighting each away win and home loss more than each home win and away loss: the weight given to an away win is 1.4, while the weight given to each home win is only 0.6; and the weight for a home loss is 1.4, while the weight for a road loss is only 0.6.
  2. Then the RPI for a team is determined using not only its adjusted winning percentage, but also the adjusted winning percentages of the team's opponents, and the opponent's opponents, in an attempt to adjust for differing strengths of schedules.
In using various winning percentages to arrive at final RPI values for teams, it's not completely clear that the 25%-50%-25% weighting is ideal, or even that a weighted average should be used at all --- maybe a good argument could be made for multiplying various winning percentages. However, rather than look into that aspect of the RPI, here the focus is on the formula used for the modification of a team's winning percentage using weights in an attempt to adjust for fact that some teams load their schedules with many more home games than away games, while other teams play much more balanced schedules.

The Effect of Different Weights for Home Wins and Road Wins

Consider a team that wins 70% of its home games, but only 30% of its away games. If it played all of its games at home its winning percentage would be 0.700, if it played all of its games on the road its winning percentage would be 0.300, and if it played an equal number of home and away games its winning percentage would be 0.500. Clearly, the proportion of the team's games which are home games will have a large effect on its winning percentage.

Letting f denote the proportion of the team's game which are home games, and assuming no neutral court games so that the proportion of away games is 1 - f, and letting n denote the total number of games the team plays, the number of home games is nf and the number of away games is n(1 - f). If 70% of the home games are wins, and 30% of the away games are wins, then the number of home wins is 0.7nf, the number of home losses is 0.3nf, the number of away wins is 0.3n(1 - f), and the number of away losses is 0.7n(1 - f). Thus the unadjusted winning percentage is
0.7nf + 0.3n(1 - f)
0.7nf + 0.3n(1 - f) + 0.3nf + 0.7n(1 - f)
which is equal to
0.3 + 0.4f.
But if each home win and road loss is given wieght 0.6, and each road win and home loss is given wieght 1.4, the adjusted winning percentage is
0.7nf(0.6) + 0.3n(1 - f)(1.4)
0.7nf(0.6) + 0.3n(1 - f)(1.4) + 0.3nf(1.4) + 0.7n(1 - f)(0.6)
which is equal to 0.5 (no matter what the value of f is).

As the table below shows, although the unadjusted winning percentage depends on the value of f, the adjusted winning percentage does not. This means that if two teams perform identically in the sense that each wins 70% of its home games and 30% of its away games, the adjusted winning percentage would rate the two teams equally even if one loaded up on home games and had a winning record while the other played a scheduled balanced in home and away games and had a 0.500 record, or even if it had more road games than home games and had a losing record. Thus, with regard to such a team's adjusted winning percentage, there is no incentive to load up on home games and play a smaller number of away games. (Of course there are other incentives for favoring home games, and since the adjusted winning percentage does not really penalize the team for choosing to play more games at home than on the road, one might say that while the adjusted winning percentage used in the RPI makes comparisons fairer, it doesn't not provide an incentive for teams to play a balanced schedule. So, if one wanted to urge all teams to play balanced schedules, the home and road weights used in the RPI may not be different enough to penalize teams that like to load up their schedules with home games.)

proportion of
home games (f)
winning pct
winning pct
0.7 0.580 0.500
0.65 0.560 0.500
0.6 0.540 0.500
0.55 0.520 0.500
0.5 0.500 0.500
0.45 0.480 0.500
0.4 0.460 0.500

While the adjusted winning percentage is invariant to the proportion of home games, f, when a team wins 70% of its home games and 30% of its away game, it is not always the case that the adjusted winning percentage doesn't depend on f. If a team wins 75% of its home games and 25% of its away games, then the unadjusted winning percentage is
0.75f + 0.25(1 - f) = 0.25 + 0.5f,
and the adjusted winning percentage is
0.75nf(0.6) + 0.25n(1 - f)(1.4)
0.75nf(0.6) + 0.25n(1 - f)(1.4) + 0.25nf(1.4) + 0.75n(1 - f)(0.6),
which simplifies to
0.4375 + 0.125f.
So, for such a team, it's adjusted winning percentage will increase as the proportion of home games increases, although as the table below shows, the adjusted winning percentage does not vary with f nearly as much as the unadjusted winning percentage does. Still, for such a team, the weights of 0.6 and 1.4 used to determine the adjusted winning percentage aren't different enough to make it so that the team shouldn't load it's schedule with more home games than away games. For such a team, to make the adjusted winning percentage not depend on f, the weights would have to be 0.5 and 1.5 instead of 0.6 and 1.4.

proportion of
home games (f)
winning pct
winning pct
0.7 0.600 0.525
0.65 0.575 0.519
0.6 0.550 0.513
0.55 0.525 0.506
0.5 0.500 0.500
0.45 0.475 0.494
0.4 0.450 0.488

If we consider a team that wins 90% of its home games and 50% of its away games, then things get a bit screwier. The unadjusted winning percentage is
0.9f + 0.5(1 - f) = 0.5 + 0.4f,
and the adjusted winning percentage is
(0.7 - 0.16f)/(1 - 0.32f),
which increases as f increases, meaning that the team should try to schedule as many home games as possible in order to increase their RPI. The table below shows how both the unadjusted and the adjusted winning percentages increase as f increases. It can be noted that the adjusted winning percentage is not as heavily dependent on the proportion of home games.

proportion of
home games (f)
winning pct
winning pct
0.7 0.780 0.758
0.65 0.760 0.753
0.6 0.740 0.748
0.55 0.720 0.743
0.5 0.700 0.738
0.45 0.680 0.734
0.4 0.660 0.729

Another thing to note is that the adjusted winning percentage is not equal to 0.700 when f = 0.5, although with this team its actual winning percentage would be 0.700 if it played an equal number of home and away games.

In order to make the adjusted winning percentage not depend on f, the weights would have to be 0.5 and 1.5 instead of 0.6 and 1.4. With weights of 0.5 and 1.5 the adjusted winning percentage for a team that wins 90% of its home games and 50% of its away games equals 0.750 no matter what proportion of the games are home games. (Note that with weights of 0.5 and 1.5, although the adjusted winning percentage doesn't depend on f, it's not equal to 0.700 as one might guess it should be.)

If a team wins 90% of its home games and 60% of its away games, or a team wins 90% of its home games and 30% of its away games, the behavior of the adjusted winning percentage is similar --- it both cases it increases as the proportion of home games increases, and so in both cases such teams should try to maximize their number of home games in order to maximize their adjusted winning percentage.

Summary and Conclusions:

The Effect of Different Weights for Home Wins and Road Wins

Here I focused on the adjusted winning percentage, which is just one component of the RPI. (Note: What I refer to as the adjusted winning percentage may go by another name that I am not aware of.) It can be seen that if a team wins 70% of its home games and 30% of its away games then the adjusted winning percentage does not change as the proportion of home games changes. But if a team wins 75% of its home games and 25% of its away games, or a team wins 90% of its home games and 50% of its away games, then the adjusted winning percentage does change as the proportion of home games changes --- in both cases it increases as the proportion of home games increases. For such teams the adjusted winning percentage does not provide an incentive to have an equal number of home and away games, since the adjusted winning percentage will increase as the proportion of home games is increased. In order to make the adjusted winning percentage not increase as the proportion of home games increases, in both cases the weights would have to be 0.5 and 1.5 instead of 0.6 and 1.4. (Note: In other cases the weights would have to be different values in order to have the adjusted winning percentage not depend on the proportion of home games.)

I think that a case could be made for changing the weights from 0.6 and 1.4 to values with are even more different, like 0.5 and 1.5, or perhaps something even more extreme. If the adjusted winning percentage can be increased by increasing the proportion of home games, then a team can benefit by loading its schedule with more home games and there is no incentive for teams to balance the numbers of their home and away games, which seems to be the fair thing to have for a variety of reasons. Even if the adjusted winning percentage does not depend on the proportion of home games, there still is no incentive for teams to balance their home and away games. Only if the adjusted winning percentage is such that it penalizes teams that load up their schedules with a rather large proportion of home games will it provide an incentive for teams to not play a large proportion of their games on their home court.

Working Within the System

Given that the RPI is an index that the Selection Committee uses, one might wonder if there are any loopholes that can be exploited to improve a team's rating. I think that in general it would be hard to gain appreciably by "playing the system" but that there are perhaps a few somewhat subtle points worth noting.

Home wins vesus Road Wins

With a home win given a weight of 0.6 and a road win given a weight of 1.4, one might guess that road wins are the thing to focus on. But actually, with good teams, home wins are very important. With a schedule that is balanced in home and away games, it would be better to win 90% of the home games and only 60% of the away games than it would be to win 80% of the home games and 70% of the away games, even though in each case the team's overall winning percentage would be 0.750. (An explanation of why a home win weighted only 0.6 is so valuable is that it needs to be kept in mind that a home loss carries a weight of 1.4, and so if a lightly-weighted win doesn't occur, a heavyweight loss will happen, which sort of counters the fact that road wins are given a weight of 1.4 and thus seem so valuable. In a sense it's just as important to avoid a costly home loss with a lightweight home win as it is to earn a valuable road win, and when one actually does the calculations it can be seen that for teams that have good home and road winning percentages, it is actually better to trade road wins for home wins.)

The table below gives the adjusted winning percentages for a team with an overall winning percentage of 0.750 under three different scenerios. It can be seen that it is important to maintain a high winning percentage at home even if it means having a lower winning percentage on the road. So perhaps in scheduling one would want to avoid taking on the risk of a home loss. If one wants to accept some tough games in order to get credit for having a high strength of schedule, it may be better to go on the road for such games and hope for the best. (If a team is going to take a few road losses in the course of a tough season, the road losses might as well be to good teams in order to at least have the strength of schedule benefit.)

winning pct
winning pct
winning pct
winning pct
0.900 0.600 0.750 0.784
0.850 0.650 0.750 0.772
0.800 0.700 0.750 0.760

The table belows shows the effect of road winning percentage on the overall unadjusted and adjusted winning percentages for a team that wins 90% of its home games and plays an equal number of home and away games. Note that with such a high home winning percentage, the adjusted winning percentage stays respectable even as the road winning percentage gets rather low. Furthermore, it's interesting to note that as the road winning percentage ranges from 0.300 to 0.800, the adjusted winning percentage is always greater than the unadjusted winning percentage.

winning pct
winning pct
winning pct
winning pct
0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900
0.900 0.800 0.850 0.865
0.900 0.700 0.800 0.826
0.900 0.600 0.750 0.784
0.900 0.500 0.700 0.738
0.900 0.400 0.650 0.688
0.900 0.300 0.600 0.632

Other Scheduling Concerns

On 2/28/06, George Washington was only ranked 29th by the RPI despite a gaudy 24-1 record. This shows that strength of schedule can have a strong impact on a team's RPI rating. So while it's nice to have a great winning percentage, one should not overlook strength of schedule.

To a large degree, strength of schedule depends on the quality of other teams in the league, and GW is hurt because a lot of the other Atlantic 10 teams, which are GW's opponents and thus contribute to their strength of schedule, are somewhat weak. But when it comes to scheduling nonconference games, one should perhaps keep a few things in mind. For example, since both a team's opponents and their opponents' opponents contribute towards the RPI, a team like George Mason should favor a tough opponent from the ACC or SEC over a tough opponent from a weak conference, like GW from the Atlantic 10. In both cases the tough opponent would help out, but if GW is played one risks a loss against a tough opponent while not getting a boost from GW's opponents being tough. So it would be better to take a chance against a tough opponent from a top conference, since whether the game is won or lost, the opponent's tough opponents would at least serve to help raise the RPI. (A beautiful thing about Mason's win over Wichita State, in addition to it being a road win, is that not only does the fact that Wichita State is a good team help to boost Mason's RPI value, but the fact that Wichita State's opponents are generally strong also helps to boost Mason's RPI.)

Summary and Conclusions:

Working Within the System

Based on the observations made above, it seems like a good strategy would be to guard against home losses, and take chances by playing tough opponents on the road --- making sure that the opponents generally have strong opponents and are not isolated good teams in weak leagues.

Supplements to the RPI

I generally like the RPI because it makes adjustments for strength of schedule and also adjusts to give increased credit for wins on the road. Not only do these adjustments make it easier to compare teams in a fair way, but perhaps they will encourage teams to adopt better scheduling practices (although it seems to me like the RPI doesn't provide a strong enough incentive to cause teams to play fewer home games and more road games). For example, perhaps top teams, in an effort to improve their RPI values, will start scheduling more challenging opponents.

But the RPI isn't perfect. It could be that it sometimes penalizes outstanding teams in weak conferences too much (e.g., George Washington in 2006). Jeff Sagarin's ELO CHESS rating method is less punishing to top teams in weak conferences (although perhaps it can err on the side of not being punishing enough). In general, ELO CHESS, like the RPI, takes into account strength of schedule. It just does it differently than the RPI does. My guess is that it is the case that neither method always does better than the other one, and so it may be a good idea to average the rankings produced by both methods in developing a final ranking of teams.