
May 6, 2008 (2:49 AM)
After class tonight, I went upstairs to check out the room for the weekend sessions, Thompson 222. I found there was a 222A and a 222B in addition to 222, but these rooms aren't all next to each other. Please note that I'll be in 222, not 222A or 222B --- so be sure that you locate the correct room.
April 29, 2008 (5:24 PM)
On the web page pertaining to the final exam I gave the times and location for some Q&A sessions I plan to hold the weekend prior to the final exam. (Note: The Q&A sessions will be in a room different from our regular classroom.)
April 29, 2008 (12:05 AM)
I posted a link to the answers for HW #5 on the homework web page. Here is a breakdown of the scores: The class median is 18.5 (74%). (Note: When I graded HW #5, I at first graded each part out of 2.5 points like I did for HW #4, instead of out of 5 points. So I kept on doing it this way, and in the end multiplied by 2 in order to make the scores correct.) For cummulative HW points through HW #5, the class median is 65.2, with many students having more than 70 points. Many just need between 21 and 35 points from the remaining homework to reach 100 points (and since a score of 95 isn't a terrible score, some of you ought to be able to get yourself into a decent position with regard to the homework without having to work terribly hard).
April 24, 2008 (3:54 PM)
I posted information about HW #6 on the homework web page. HW #6 and the bonus homework is due the evening of the final exam --- no grace period this time (and no exceptions). (Note: You'll need to enter the small data sets for HW #6 yourself, figuring out what format the data needs to be in.) Also, I've added some information about the final exam to a web page pertaining to the final exam.
April 14, 2008 (7:03 PM)
I posted a link to the answers for HW #4 on the homework web page.
April 3, 2008 (11:30 PM)
A poker tournament I wanted to play in tonight was cancelled, so I found myself with some extra time to work. So I got the fifth homework assignment ready and posted it on the homework web page. I'll distribute the data sheets in class Monday night.
March 31, 2008 (5:41 AM)
I posted a link to the answers for HW #3 on the homework web page.
March 24, 2008 (11:32 PM)
I posted the fourth homework assignment on the homework web page.
March 18, 2008 (9:20 PM)
I posted links to the answers (and some details of how to get the answers) for HW #2 on the homework web page. Also, I'll point out that if you want to see an example of an outlier, go to my poker league's web site, click on Points on the menu of choices on the left side of the page, and check out my score!
March 4, 2008 (12:01 AM)
I posted the third homework assignment on the homework web page. I distributed the data sheet / answer sheet in class.
February 25, 2008 (6:46 PM)
Yesterday I posted a link to the answers for HW #1 on the homework web page. 21 of 30 students got the maximum possible score of 13, 4 others got a score of either 12.5 or 12, and 5 got scores below 12.
February 19, 2008 (12:13 AM)
I've posted the second homework assignment on the homework web page.
February 2, 2008 (6:41 PM)
I've posted the first homework assignment (due Feb. 18) on the homework web page.
January 25, 2008 (3:05 AM)
I finished modifying my old web pages to make them good for this semester. If you looked over the STAT 554 web site prior to 3:00 AM on 1/25, then you may have been looking at a web page for last fall's version of the course, or else caught me in the middle of changing things as I made modifications over the past three hours. In addition to reading the syllabus carefully, I encourage you to read over these comments to learn more about what the course will be like, and to read these coments about books and software before going to buy anything at the bookstore. *** If you're unfamiliar with the campus, note that the first link on the syllabus is to a map of the campus which shows the location of the building in which STAT 554 is being held. You should perhaps try to arrive at the Fairfax campus at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of class (so about 6:50 PM), since traffic and parking during the first two weeks of the semester can be quite bad. *** Rather than fight the crowds in the bookstore the first night of class, you may want to buy the books and materials the weekend before the class starts. (But I strongly advise that you read this web page before buying anything for the course.)