Recommended Changes For A Course Evaluation Form Appropriate For

Large Lecture Classes & Small Lecture Classes In Certain Fields

Several years ago, when the current evaluation form was adopted, many of the faculty in quantitative fields, and faculty who often taught large lecture sections, thought that some of the items on the course evaluation form weren't appropriate for the types of courses they taught. (They thought the wording of some of the items was better suited for classes in which students typically submitted papers and were expected to participate in class discussions, as opposed to classes where the vast majority of the class time is used for formal lectures and class participation does not play a big role, and assignments are typically problem sets (if anything).)

Below, red is used to show what is currently on the evaluation form, and green is used to show recommended changes.

Item 1 on the current form is:
Course requirements were clearly stated in the syllabus
This item could be changed to:
Course requirements and expectations were clearly stated in the syllabus and/or adequately discussed during the first class meeting
Some students may not have easy access to the syllabus when they complete their evaluation, but they may remember a discussion of the requirements and expectations since many faculty routinely spend time on these things during the first class meeting.

Item 2 on the current form is:
The course was well organized
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 3 on the current form is:
The instructor explained the material clearly
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested
This item could be moved to the Course Delivery section since it seems to group better with the items there than it does the other items in the Communication and Faculty/Student Interaction section. It can also be noted that if the change suggested for item 14 below is made, then perhaps this item is no longer needed.

Item 4 on the current form is:
Comments and suggestions on returned material were helpful
This item could be changed to:
Feedback (comments and suggestions written on papers, solutions distributed, class discussion, etc.) pertaining to returned material was helpful
With some types of assignments it's not efficient to write a lot of individual comments on student papers. In some classes, instructors supply the students with detailed solutions to problem sets, or routinely discuss typical mistakes in class. There are other ways to supply feedback than to write "comments and suggestions on returned materials."

Item 5 on the current form is:
The instructor showed respect for the students
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 6 on the current form is:
The instructor was accessible either in person or electronically
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 7 on the current form is:
The instructor followed the stated course grading policy
This item could be changed to:
The course grading policy was clearly explained during the first class meeting or clearly stated in the syllabus
Students aren't in a position to know whether or not the stated grading policy was actually followed, especially since the course evaluations should be turned in prior to final grades being given. What is important is that students have information, in advance, as to how grades will be assigned.

Item 8 on the current form is:
The exams reflected what was covered in the course
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 9 on the current form is:
The assignments (projects, papers, presentations, etc.) helped me learn the material
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 10 on the current form is:
Readings helped me understand the course topic
This item could be changed to:
The text book and/or assigned readings helped me understand the course topic
In a lot of quantitative courses, there are no assigned readings other than the text book.

Item 11 on the current form is:
Assignments and exams were returned promptly
This item could be changed to:
Assignments and exams were returned in a reasonable amount of time
Some students may take promptly to mean the next class meeting, but in some cases it may be unreasonable for students to expect their work to be graded and returned so quickly (e.g., if the class is very large, or if it typically takes the instructor a long time to grade a student's paper).

Item 12 on the current form is:
The instructor covered the important aspects of the course as outlined in the syllabus
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 13 on the current form is:
The instructor made the class intellectually stimulating
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 14 on the current form is:
The instructor encouraged the students to be actively involved in the material through discussion and other activities.
This item could be changed to:
The lectures were well organized and helpful towards understanding the material
With some types of classes (e.g., large lecture classes, and in courses of a quantitative nature) class discussion plays at most a very minor role. With such classes, one could argue that the quality of the lectures is, by far, the most important thing, and yet the quality of the lectures is hardly addressed by the current evaluation form. (Note: If this change is made, then perhaps item 3 above is no longer needed.)

Item 15 on the current form is:
My overall rating of the teaching
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested

Item 16 on the current form is:
My overall rating of this course
This item could be changed to:
No change suggested