Call for Papers

Chicago AAA (2003)

American Anthropological Association

102nd Annual Meeting

Chicago, Illinois, November 19-23, 2003

We want to have a number of challenging panels at the next AAA meetings in Chicago. Now is the time to pull those together! Given our mandate, the possibilities are wide. Just to challenge your thinking, I would urge you to consider topics:

If you have ideas and want to find others who could join in a panel, contact Lucia Ann McSpadden, CORI Program Chair, at We can send the request and possibility out on the CORI mailing list, the Forced Migration mailing list - and the list serve when it is up and running (other ideas of places to disseminate this call for papers most welcome!).

Let's hear from you soon! If we wish to get invited sessions, we need to move quickly. Final panel proposals (with full list of presenters) should be ready by February 15, 2003 to submit to CORI, for consideration by the Society for Urban, National, Global and Transnational Anthropology (SUNTA) - CORI's new host.