Catherine D. Cramton, Ph.D.
 Professor Emerita of Management
 George Mason University

 School of Business

 Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444

     Biographical Information

Catherine Durnell Cramton is Professor of Management in the School of Business, George Mason University (Emerita since 2018). She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Yale University and her A.B. degree from Harvard University. Her most recent research explores culture-specific coordination practices, which she and her collaborators have termed "cultural coordination scripts" and "cultural coordination templates" (Cramton, Köhler & Levitt, Journal of International Business Studies,  2021). Her research also has examined numerous aspects of geographically distributed teams and global teams, including knowledge sharing problems, attribution issues, subgroup dynamics, cross-cultural adaptation, and language issues. She was a Fulbright Fellow at the Mediterranean School of Business, Tunis, in 2008, where she deepened her understanding of the Mediterranean Rim cultural, economic and political context. She also has taught courses in Italy, Finland and India and led graduate student residencies to Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, and Hungary. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Bechtel Foundation.

Dr. Cramton has published her research in journals such as Organization Science, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Management, Small Group Research, Research in Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Business Research, and Organizational Dynamics. Cramton's paper, "The mutual knowledge problem and its consequences for dispersed collaboration" (Organization Science, 2001), won the 2002 Best Published Paper Award, given by the Organizational Communication and Information Systems division of the Academy of Management. She has published pedagogical articles in the Journal of Management Education and the Journal of Teaching in International Business.

In addition to English, Dr. Cramton speaks French and Italian.