
Bo Yu
Research Assistant Professor
CYSE Department, C5I Center | George Mason University | Fairfax, VA 22030


Bo Yu is a Research Assistant Professor at the Center of Excellence in Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Cyber, and Intelligence (C5I), and the Lab Manager at The Cyber Living Innovation Lab of George Mason University (GMU) Fairfax, Virginia.

Bo Yu’s research interests lie in cybersecurity detection and enforcement, the safety and security of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and the safety and security of Automobile and Transportation Intelligent Systems. In addition, her research interest also focuses on autonomous vehicles and wireless 5G technologies by building a testbed for 5G research and experimentation. Specifically, she has more than 17 years of research and development experience in Intelligent Edge Computing by levering Amazon Web Services (AWS), in Cybersecurity systems through applying various technologies, such as semantic technologies, probabilistic reasoning and policy enforcement. Her research also leveraged these technologies to improve the systems’ decision-making process. Most recently, her research focuses on leveraging AI to analyze sensors’ data to improve the safety and security of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in automobiles.

Her dedication to research and development is evident in her past roles, including as a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from 2014 to 2017. In 2014, she was awarded a Ph.D. in Information Technology with a Cybersecurity Concentration from George Mason University, VA, a testament to her commitment and expertise in the field.

Research Interests and Publications

Book Chapters:

  • Yu, B., Wijesekera, D., & Costa, P. (2016). “Informed Consent in Healthcare: A Study Case for Genetic Services”. Chapter 13 in Design, Development, and Integration of Reliable Electronic Healthcare Platforms (pp. 211-242)., IGI Global.

  • N. Hazzazi, J Albasri, B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa, “Using Temporal Logic to Verify the Blood Supply Chain Safety”. In Emerging Trends in Applications and Infrastructures for Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology, Edition: 2nd, Chapter: 31, Publisher: Elsevier, pp.267-292, [32].

Journal Publications:

  • Bikram, A., Duric, Z., Wijeweera, D., Yu., B. (2023, Accepted) Repeated Route Naturalistic Driver Behavior Analysis using Motion and Gaze Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  • Grimes, H., Ciocarlie, G. F., Yu, B., Wijesekera, D., Shannon, G., Austad, W., ... & Reid, B. (2022). “PURE Biomanufacturing: Secure, Pandemic-Adaptive Biomanufacturing”. IEEE Security & Privacy, (01), 2-15

  • Jablonski, M., Yu, B., Ciocarlie, G. F., & Costa, P. (2021). “A Case Study in the Formal Modeling of Safe and Secure Manufacturing Automation”. Computer, 54(9), 59-71.

  • Heinl, M. P., Yu, B., & Wijesekera, D. (2019). “A Framework to Reveal Clandestine Organ Trafficking in the Dark Web and Beyond”. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL), 14(1), 2.

  • Reep, M., Yu, B., Wijesekera, D., & Costa, P. (2019). “Enforcing Genetic Consent and Restrictions through a Privacy-Focused Ontology”, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences (IARIA), v11 no 1 & 2.

  • B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa (2015). “Informed Consent in Electronic Medical Record Systems”, International Journal of Reliable and Quality Health Care, Volume 1, Issue 4.

Conference Publications:

  • Costa, P. C., Yu, B., Atiahetchi, M., & Myers, D. (2018, July). “High-Level Information Fusion of Cyber-Security Expert Knowledge and Experimental Data”. In 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 2322-2329). IEEE.

  • Reep, M., Yu, B., Wijesekera, D., & Costa, P. “Sharing Data under Genetic Privacy Laws”. In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2016), Fairfax VA, USA. [Awarded: Best Conference Paper Award]

  • B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa, “Genetic Counseling Using Workflow-based EMRs”, STIDS 2015, November 18-20, 2015.

  • N. Hazzazi, B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa, “Using Temporal Logic to Verify Blood Supply Chain Safety”, 2015 International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (HIMS’15), July 27-30, 2015, Las Vegas, NV.

  • B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa, An Ontology for Medical Treatment Consent, STIDS 2014, November 18, 2014, Fairfax, VA.

  • B. Yu, D. Wijesekera, P. Costa, Consent-Based Workflow Control in EMRs. Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems (HCist'2014) and Technologies, October 15-17, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • B. Yu and D. Wijesekera, Building a Dialysis Workflow into an EMR, International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems (HCist'2013) and Technologies, October 23 -25, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • B. Yu, John A. Varga, D. Wijesekera, A. Stavrou, A. Singhal, “Specifying Time-out Points in Surgical EMR Systems”, in HCist - International Workshop on Health and Social Care Information Systems, October 5-7, 2011, Vilamoura, Portugal.

  • Al-Faresi, A., B. Yu, K. Moidu, A. Stavrou, D. Wijesekera, and A. Singhal, “Fine- grained Sharing of Health Records using XSPA Profile for XACML--An Extended Abstract”. (2010).


  • Computer Networking (CYSE 230)

  • Introduction to Cyber Security Engineering (CYSE 101)

  • Heterogeneous Data Fusion (SYST 584)

  • Database Fundamentals (IT 214)

  • Information Security Fundament (IT 223)

  • Introduction to Information Technology (IT 101)

Contact Information

  • Email:

  • Phone: 703-993-3898

  • Office: Research Hall Room 329