"Little Busters" is a game that features action-packed strategy for two players. Players compete to push their waves of "Creeps" to destroy the enemy ship before the opponent can do the same. Other than directly destroying the enemy creep, a player can help their waves by carefully utilizing "Emplacements". The map also encourages frequent player versus player dog fights.

Due to the constraints of working within a month, not all planned features made it in. Currently the game features three emplacements for players to use, as well as a central whirlpool that impacts the physics of creep pathing, player movement, bullets, and missiles. Given more time, I would like to improve the physics engine to be more fluid and predictable while making it force strategic positioning decisions more often. More emplacements and an improved UI is also on the TODO list, with the potential for more maps or game modes.

Left Bumper: Fire 1 Right Bumper: Fire 2
X: Emplacement 1 Y: Emplacement 2 B: Emplacement 3 A: Detonate Rocket
Left Stick: Move Right Stick: Fire
Download here Student project by Brian Notarianni, design consultation by Kenneth Gould