Module 2

HTML Resources

  1. W3Schools
    • Copyright 1995-2015 by Refsnes Data.
    • Last modified: 4 February 2015
    • Date visited: 4 February 2015
    • This website is easy to navigate and provides several HTML tutorials that are easy for me, a coding novice, to understand.
  2. WebMonkey HTML Cheatsheet
    • Copyright 2012-2015 by
    • Last modified: 4 February 2015
    • Date visited: 4 February 2015
    • The appearance of this website is neat and organized. I am able to navigate to the tutorials and am able to understand the content with ease.

CSS Resources

  1. CSSDog
    • Copyright 2009 by Dharmendra (no last name provided)
    • Last modified: 9 February 2009
    • Date visited: 4 February 2015
    • CSSDog provides tutorials and examples for beginners. These lists are organized, easy to understand and cover a lot of general content that may be useful to me
  2. Listamatic
    • Copyright 2010 by Max Design
    • Last modified: 6 October 2013
    • Date visited: 4 February 2015
    • Listamatic appears to be a great resource for adding style to my webpage. It provides CCS codes for different types of lists that may be useful when creating my own web page.

Color and Design Resources

  1. Adobe Color CC
    • Copyright 2014 by Adobe Systems Inc.
    • Last modified: 1 December 2014
    • Date visited: 6 February 2015
    • Adobe Color CC allows me to select colors on a color wheel, lists the hex codes for my selected colors, and also suggests colors to accompany my selected color. Some of the schemes it provides are monochromatic, complementary, and compound.
  2. Grad Color for gradient backgrounds
    • Copyright 2014 by
    • Last modified: 6 February 2015
    • Date visited: 6 February 2015
    • Grad Color allows me to create a gradient for my background using colors that I select myself. Grad Color also provides the code for the gradient, which I can modify in order to add it to my CCS document.

Image Resources

  1. Creative Commons
    • Copyright 2002-2015 by Creative Commons
    • Last modified: 6 February 2015
    • Date visited: 6 February 2015
    • The search menu of Creative Commons allows me to search for images from Google, Flickr and more with common licenses. I believe this means they are free to use for non-commerical purposes.
  2. Flickr Commons
    • Copyright 2008-2015 by Yahoo
    • Last modified: 6 February 2015
    • Date visited: 6 February 2015
    • Flickr Commons allows me to search for free to use images that have been uploaded on Flickr. The photos have no known copyright restrictions and anybody can view these photos.


Created by Bailey Lucero-Carter on 4 February 2015. Last modified 9 February 2015.