My name is
Bannan-Ritland. I teach in the Instructional
Technology program in the Graduate
School of Education at George
Mason University. The purpose of this site is to provide those who
may be interested a brief introduction to my research and academic interests.Recently,
my research has focused on integrating the Web into the instructional
environment. I am primarily interested in:
- identifying and incorporating powerful instructional strategies when
using theWeb as an instructional delivery medium by establishing connections
to learning theory constructs
- using the Web as both a product and process environment for supporting
teaching and learning
- improving the instructional methods for teaching instructional design
- tracking emergent trends and technologies in Web-based instruction
and their impact on instructional design practice
My work in these areas can be framed using the following categories related
to various levels of use of the Web within instruction and within my own
Level Issue Possible instructional methods and activities
Level Issue Connecting theory to practice in determining instructional
Level Issue Capitalizing on attributes for course-specific
Level Issue Promoting interconnected knowledge