Active Projects

Online Identities


School Work

Past Work:
IT 103 Lab 2
IT103 Lab 3
IT 103 Project
NCLC 249 Home
IT213 Lab Page
English 344 Main Page
IT353 Project

Current Work:

GMU Work Homepage

Inactive Projects

Disclaimer: This site is for educational purposes only. Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.

About Aram J. Zucker-Scharff:

Aram is a student at George Mason University, in the DC Metro Area, studying for Information Technology (Computer Security) and English (Creative Writing) degrees. He is a resident of the state of New York. Aram has been working on websites for a long time, having been doing professional work on the internet since his time in High School. Though many previous sites are inactive, he still maintains two websites and a wide-spread web presence under the username Phifty. Aram is the author of multiple short stories, including the APP Short Story Award winning Search Word: Oppression. He writes and publishes in a variety of internet locations (most prominently his DeviantArt site). Aram also leads Z-S Enterprises, a computer construction, troubleshooting and creativity company. You can contact him at his e-mail: with comments about this site, literature, or anything else.