
Welcome Democratic States!

Welcome to CATSOnline HQ. This website is an essential resource for spreading democracy and bringing new states into the true fold of freedom, choice and democracy.

Free your state and free your mind. Bring the principles and truths inherent in freedom to the countries of the world. This is the mission of the CATS states.

We welcome membership for all democratic states and any who subscribe to the true notions of freedom. We seek out those who are oppressed and bring them better laws and situations. We safeguard freedom for this world.





Action Constraints

CATS is willing to take action to safeguard democracy. However, there are certain constraints on any action CATS representatives can take, in order to safeguard both CATS member nations and the world.

  1. A constraint is to avoid any "collateral damage" to local residents and their property and possessions.
  2. A constraint is to minimize harm to coalition personnel.
  3. A constraint is to minimize loss of or damage to coalition assets. It is important that any advanced technology not fall into the hands of the enemy or other non-coalition forces.


Hostage Situations

CATS forces are often deployed to protect and rescue citizens of Democratic nations from enemies. When this occurs, there are additional constraints that must be followed as well

  1. The primary objective is to rescue the hostages.
  2. The primary constraint on the operation is to avoid any harm to the hostages.
  3. A secondary objective is to kill hostage-takers and destroy their assets,
    if possible without compromising the primary objective.