ICS Prize

The prize committee for 2004 is chaired by Jonathan Eckstein. This prize will be awarded October 24, 2004, at the INFORMS Fall Meeting in Denver, Colorado. The award is accompanied by a certificate and a $1,000 honorarium.

Nominations must include: the title, author's name, place and date of publication, and a copy of each nominated work (in quadruplicate, please, if it is not both easy and legal to photocopy). If you wish the nomination materials to be returned after the review process, so indicate.

2004 Prize Committee

Jonathan Eckstein (Chair)
David Gay
Lou Hafer
John Hooker
Terry Harrison

Whom to contact:

Professor Jonathan Eckstein
RUTCOR, Room 155
640Bartholomew Road
Busch Campus, Rutgers University
Piscatawy, NJ 08854

Phone (732) 445-3272 (no voice mail available)
Fax:(732) 445-5472
email: jeckstei@rutcor.rutgers.edu

Timeline 2004

Call for nominations

Deadline for nominations - June 1, 2004.