

A webring groups together websites with similar content by linking them together like a circle. They provide an interesting and easy way to surf the Internet.  A webring gives World Wide Web users a solution to long pages of links and sometimes difficult to follow search engine results.  It allows users the opportunity to quickly access information and links that particularly interest them. 

What is a Webring?

The main function of a Webring is to allow users to move from one site of interest to another easily without having to read through search engines to find sites that interest you.  It allows for much more efficient web surfing and also helps you find sites that may have been difficult to find if not for it being in the Webring.

It is called a Webring because you move from site to site in sequence, in a line and eventually you get back to the beginning.  Since it brings you back to where you started it takes you in a circular motion or a ring.  By clicking the “Next” or “Previous” link that is on each site within the Webring, you can easily access the other sites in the ring.  The idea is if you do it long enough and go all the way around the circle you will end up right where you started.

Webrings allow Internet users with common interests to interact and it gives them the opportunity to find and access sites that may have been difficult to find if you were not part of a Webring.

Advantages of being in a Webring

After you sign up for a Webring you will be able to access all of the sites within the ring. You will then be able to take advantage of all of the things that Webrings have to offer. 

Webrings allow you to: 

·        Find information on the internet with increased efficiency

·        Meet other web users that have similar interests

·        Easily browse from page to page without searches complicated lists

Is there a webring for me?

There are Webrings for almost any topic imaginable.  Whether you are a child that enjoys art, a teenager that enjoys celebrity gossip, a man who enjoys wildlife, or a mom that enjoys cooking exotic foods, there is a webring for you.  Here are just a few of the thousands of Webrings that are available for you right from your home computer.

·        Cool Cows Webring - http://www.torget.se/users/f/Fasen/ring.html

·        Angelina Jolie Webring - http://www.ajolie.com/siteinfo/webrings.htm

·        Outdoor Sports Webring - http://www.rec-outdoors.com/

·        Cyber Chef Webring - http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/2253/rings.html

Why You Should Join a Webring

 Joining a Webring will give you the opportunity to become part of an on-line community of people that have similar interests as yourself.  You will be provided with links to websites you enjoy without having to do searches or have to waste time surfing through links that are not of interest to you.  It is a community that allows you to interact with individuals with similar enjoyments, all over the world, regardless of age, ethnicity, or religion.  Being part of a Webring will decrease the amount of times you have to use search engines.  Search engines will not be necessary because you will have all of the sites for you specific interest already in the Webring.  You can also talk to people within your Webring to find out more about your interests. 

One thing about Webrings that may be deceiving is that although it may be free to be a part of a Webring, sites within the Webring may not be free. Some sites within the ring may have a monthly charge or a one-time fee that is paid when you sign up. A limitation that exists within Webrings is that many sites may contain some of the exact same information, pictures, etc. Although you are part of the ring because you want to get more information about a particular subject you don’t want to see the same thing repeated on different sites.  

Creating your own Webring

In order to create your own webring you must have your own webpage.  You can search to find websites that are related to yours and ask the owners of that website to join your ring.  A problem that might occur is that when the ring gets rather large it becomes difficult to keep intact because of webpages constantly going down.  Since you go from one site to the next and you are in a circle, if one link is down you will be unable to complete the circle and you will not be given the opportunity to visit all of the webpages in the ring.

In many cases, web page owners must be aware that they will have to copy a small section of website code, from a site that is currently in the webring, into their current code. It is each Web page owner’s responsibility to update his or her Website in the interest of the users of the Webring.       

Enhancements and Solutions

Many webrings currently use a central ring database that is located in one location. This allows sites to be added and removed quickly and easily. The database will give you the ability to skip over websites that are unreachable. You will always be able to continue around the loop or you can from one site in the loop to any other site that is in the ring. You can get a list of all of the pages in the webring and, if you wish, go directly to any link in the ring.    

Related Links

This site explains what a Webring is and it focuses on the Kidz Webring. 


This site gives further in-site into Webrings. 


This yahoo site allows you to find information on Webrings and search for a Webring for you. 


More about Webrings.


This site gives information on managing your own Webring.
