Dr. Finn's News:

Messages Sent to the TELE 730 Class this Semester



Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 21:32:37 -0500
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: TELE 730 - CHANGE in Kaiser Parking Directions
To: TELE 730 Class

TELE 730 -
Change in directions for Kaiser parking & building entrance -
dr Finn

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 15:31:49 -0800
From: "Martin, Kimberly D" <Kimberly.D.Martin@kp.org>
Subject: Tues, April 1st @ Kaiser Permanente

Good evening Mr. Finn.
Sandy asked me to follow up with our security guard to prevent anyone from
being locked out of the facility.

He suggested that everyone should enter the parking garage and drive up to the top
parking ramp. This parking area is outside. The main entrance from this
parking area is the only door unlocked at the Fair Oaks facility at that time of
night. The elevators will be working so everyone can access the 2nd floor.

If anyone parks on the lower levels (underground on P1 or P2) they will not be
able to access the building as the doors are locked, as well as the elevators
to the 2nd floor.

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any additional questions, you
are welcome to contact me directly @ 703-359-7439.

Thank you,
Kim Martin
Centralized Advice
Fairfax, VA


Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 14:41:08 -0500
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele730: class/Kaiser tour is Tuesday (not Wed.)
To: TELE 730 Class

Hi all,
class is, of course, Tuesday evening (as always) - my last Msg said Wed., April1 by mistake.
Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:40:07 -0500
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele730: Kaiser Visit Wed; directions
To: TELE 730 Class

Hi folks,
Remember, we're meeting at Kaiser Permanente's Call Center in Fairfax this week:

When: Wed, April 1, 7:20 pm (please be there by 7:15 - and leave time to find it and park)
Where: 12255 Fair Lakes Parkway; Fairfax, VA
Directions: Attached
Contact person: Sandy Miller
Contact: my cell - 702-850-7003 (if you're having trouble or are late)

This week, attendance is required at the 2nd half of class.

See you there!
Dr Finn


Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 12:34:24 -0500
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730: a final reminder
To: TELE 730 Class

Hi all,
just a reminder - class today is in downtown WDC. The tour starts at 7:00 sharp.
See you there sometime before 7 PM.
Dr Finn

When: Tu., March 18, 6:55 PM
Where: Verizon, 2055 L Street, N.W. (Midtown Central Office)
Parking: there are a couple garages nearby w/ evening rates
Tour: 7:00-8:30 PM or so
'De-briefing': at a restaurant/bar around the corner, 8:30-10 PM
Tour Arrangements by: Mr. Jerry Asch of Verizon (he'll meet us there in the lobby)


Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:09:15 -0500
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
To: TELE 730 Class
Subject: tele 730: Tu. class is in WDC

Hi folks,

As discussed, next class we will tour a Verizon CO in downtown DC. We have been asked to be there to start the tour at 7:00 pm. (Please schedule enough time to deal with DC traffic and parking - I list "6:55" below b/c we will start the tour at 7:00 sharp.

When: Tu., March 18, 6:55 PM
Where: Verizon, 2055 L Street, N.W. (Midtown Central Office)
Parking: there are a couple garages nearby w/ evening rates
Tour: 7:00-8:30 PM or so
'De-briefing': at a restaurant/bar around the corner, 8:30-10 PM

Tour Arrangements by: Jerry Asch of Verizon (he'll meet us there in the lobby)

Want to carpool? If anyone needs/wants a ride (from the Fairfax area, or any where), please reply to the whole class and tell us where you'll be.

If you can't be there until our regularly scheduled 7:20 time, let me know and we'll make arrangements for you to join the tour in progress.

Everyone should carry my cell phone number with you on Tuesday and call if you are delayed.

See you Tu. at 6:55!
Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 10:11:16 -0500
To: TELE 730
"T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730 - Fwd: LAB CONFIRMATION

Hi all,
we are set for our exam Tuesday evening in Robinson A, Rm. 106.

We will start there at 7:20 pm (Do NOT come to our regular room.)

Also, you will need to print out your answers in the lab to give them to me. Bring a diskette or plan to e-mail them so you have a back-up copy too.

Dr Finn
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 01:17:13 -0500 (EST)
From: Lina L Hashem <lhashem1@osf1.gmu.edu>
To: ANDREW FINN <afinn@osf1.gmu.edu>

Your request is confirmed as follows:

Course: TELE 730-001
Day: Tuesday
Date: 3/4/03
Time: 7:15PM - 10:00PM
Lab: ROB A106


Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:15:55 -0500
To: TELE 730
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730 - info delayed

Hi folks,
I intended to have info out to you already; the coming storm had me working on something so I'm prepared to stay home tomorrow if it's messy.

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 18:06:07 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730: RP1 deadline, IC1 Assignments

Hi all,
Bet you missed me last night!
2 things -

1) Relaxing a deadline/deliverable
The weather is a bit of a set back. And RP1 is due next week (paper outline & Bib). Yet several of you have not yet given me a topic for your RP. In retrospect, I think that it was a bit ambitious to have you submit a paper outline by Week 6.

So, here's the bargain: anyone who 1) has a topic picked and 2) has a conversation by phone with me before Monday, Feb. 24 can have a two week extension on RP1. This would make RP1 due during Spring Break for those people - by noon on Tues., 3/11 (only an electronic version is required for this one). If you do NOT have a conversation with me in advance (you are responsible for reaching me - even if you leave a message once or twice), RP1 is due as scheduled. (The logic? On the phone, I will help you refine your topic and narrow or expand your focus. That needs to happen soon, or I need to see an outline soon.)

2) IC1 chapter assignments
Sorry this took so long, but it turns out you can't get everyone to respond by e-mail to this type of request! :). So I've gone ahead and accommodated those that made requests, based on the selection order we drew in class. Here are the chapter assignments (also listed in the attachment):

The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications Management, 3rd Edition
Chapter 31: Controlling Telecommunications Quality Tunisia Donkor
Chapter 32: Managing Telecommunications Security Gayle Green
Chapter 33: Preventing Toll Fraud Anne Poranski
Chapter 34: Network Maintenance and Testing Jeffrey Williams
Chapter 35: Network Management Systems NaShawn Branch

The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications, 4th Edition
Chapter 2: Introduction to Voice Communications Adil Saadoune
Chapter 5: Pulse Code Modulation Jonathan Dagle
Chapter 9: Local Area Network Principles Alexandrine DeBianchi
Chapter 18: Mobile, Cellular, and PCS Radio Systems Brett Conlon
Chapter 21: Local Area Network Equipment Deidra McCaskill
Chapter 28: Centrex Systems Penny Desmarais
Chapter 34: Wide Area Data Networks Pedro Cuadra
Chapter 36: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Jonathan Mar

For anyone who is a pet lover, a sad note - one of my cats died yesterday of apparent heart disease. (Philly, the older one, was 9 and a GREAT cat. Loudest purr I've ever heard :).

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 23:57:03 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730: GMU now closed Tuesday

Hi folks,
As you may have heard, GMU is officially closed all day Tuesday - so, no class this week.

Therefore, no hard copy required for your FR1 - send them in and I'll print them out.

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:02:18 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730: status and info

Hi all,

I hope everyone is safe and warm amid all this snow! Reminds me of upstate NY.

1) Class Tuesday evening
We will have class Tu. assuming GMU is open tomorrow - and I fully expect it will be open.

2) FR1
FR1 is due tomorrow as scheduled (whether or not we have class). If you are not able to make it to class the electronic version will suffice in this case.

3) Choosing IC2 chapter summaries
Only 5 of the first 7 and a total of 6 people have chosen chapters so far. (Doing this over e-mail is not working. :)

the chapters chosen already are:
TM 31, 32, 33
T2, 38

Those of you who have not yet chosen, please do so now. I reserve the right to skip over you if you're holding up the process.

See you tomorrow evening.

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 09:54:42 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele 730: writing our guests, telecom interviews, web pages

Hi folks,
3 things -

1) Several people have thanked me for our recent guest speakers - or asked how they could thank them directly. Here's how:
Shiv Bakhshi <sbakhshi@idc.com>
Research Manager, Wireless Infrastructure
International Data Corporation

Joy Hughes <jhughes@gmu.edu>
Chief Information Officer, GMU

2) Haven't found a telecom manager to interview?
I've rec'd updates from a couple - if you need help, e-mail me before Tu.evening w/ your basic schedule (when can you make it to GMU for an interview? early AM? a particular evening - by 4:00 pm?)

3) Web page creation
Support for web page creation is provided by STAR Center - The Student Technology Assistance & Resource Center (http://media.gmu.edu/). Click on the Workshop Schedule and see what free workshops might fit your schedule.

There are several ways to create web pages:
- straight HTML using a text editor (WordPad)
- a free WYSIWYG ("wizzi-wig") editor, such as Netscape Composer
- a full WYSIWYG package, such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage.

I recommend that beginners:
a) take an online tutorial in HTML (I recommend the one at: http://www.cwru.edu/help/introHTML/toc.html)
b) attend the STAR Center's "Creating, Editing, & Uploading Web Pages" - this is hard to learn through a tutorial, but a) the STAR Center will help, and b) the "manual" is available online.
Thu., Feb 13, 3:30-5:30
Sat., Feb 21, 3:30-5:30
Sun., Feb 22, 3:30-5:30
Tue., Feb 25, 5:30-7:30
Register/see schedule at: http://media.gmu.edu/workshops/)

c) There are also Beginning HTML sections - though the tutorial will teach you much of this material.

d) I also recommend Dreamweaver for everyone - but first things first.
You can get PDF version of the materials for these workshops by clicking on "Workshop Materials" at the top of the list of all workshops. (Eg, the PDF file for "Creating, Editing, & Uploading Web Pages" is at: http://media.gmu.edu/start/pdfs/CreatEdit.pdf).

I recommend people who already have a web site:
1) take Beginning Dreamweaver (Tu. 2/11 - TOMORROW - 5:30-7:30 pm)
2) Take Advanced Dreamweaver
You can get PDF version of the materials for these workshops by clicking on "Workshop Materials" at the top of the list of all workshops.

Dreamweaver MX (essentially Dreamweaver 5) can be downloaded free for a 30 day trial (macromedia.com), and is available for $99 from the campus computer store.

See you Tuesday.
Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 08:23:45 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: tele730: reminders

Hi folks,
Just a quick update/reminder re: 730 -

1) we have a guest speaker at 7:20 - Joy Hughes, CIO of GMU - please be on time for class

2) she's an expert in telecom strategic & operational planning, so please be sure you're up to date w/ the readings.

3) to calibrate - anyone who does NOT at this point have a company/voice telecom mgr to interview, please send me a msg and confirm/remind me - I'll help locate someone this week.

dr finn


Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 09:09:47 -0500
To: TELE 730 Class
From: "T. Andrew Finn" <afinn@gmu.edu>
Subject: Tele 730: Interview Protocols, GMU E-mail info

Hi all,
I'm looking forward to our weekly sessions - we've got a good group, and many of you bring a lot to the class. This'll be great!

Several things -

1) I've attached the 4 Interview Protocols to be used in TELE 730 this semester. Let em know if you're having any issues 1) finding a voice telecom manager to interview and 2) finding the RIGHT person.

2) If you were not at the first class last Wed., please reply to this msg to let me know you are receiving mail through your GMU e-mail ID.

3) If you are not currently using your GMU ID, you need to start. In about a week, I will be using ONLY your GMU IDs. You can access your GMU messages directly, or forward your GMU mail to any e-mail acct. you like.

If you've never activated your GMU acct:
Go to: https://mail.gmu.edu/ to log in. Click on "activiate."
If you've forgotten your e-mail password, you can request it on the same screen.

4) To get to directions on forwarding (and other helpful info) go to:
Click on Online Help, then select "E-mail" (and hit Go), then about 15 items down the list of Help Links you'll find:
Forwarding E-mail from the Mason Cluster to Your Account in Another System

If I have addressed this to your non-GMU ID, please e-mail and let me know when your GMU ID is ready for me to use.

See you next week.
Dr Finn
