Dr. Finn's News:

Messages Sent to the COMM 470 Class (Spring, 2006)



Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 15:48:28 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <andy@andyfinn.us>
Subject: COMM 470 - grade update posted

Hi folks,

1) Grade Update Posted
The grades SO FAR should now be posted near the door to Skinner 2103 (on the 'side' wall within 2 feet of the door). Sorry for the delay today - the staff person I sent them to is apparently out today and I had to find someone else to print and post them. That is now handled.

A few things to note about the grade sheets:

a) The grades are sorted alphabetically by 'pen name.' The team numbers have been removed to ensure your privacy, so you must know your pen name!

b) I believe that the spreadsheets on the wall are current and complete. They include every change and update discussed with any of you (with the exception of a few which have been denied - you received an e-mail today if that happened). If you have any questions, concerns, etc. about your point total, you must call me (not e-mail me) between 8 am and 5 pm to discuss BEFORE 5:00 pm on Thursday, 5/18. (I will not be posting grade sheets on the wall Friday, and I will not be taking last minute requests to check again on points for some assignment. There will be no exceptions.)

c) The class average is currently over 87% ! This class is headed for the highest grades I have ever given in an undergraduate course - by far - and that goes back more than 20 years. Nice going, and congrats! (Please note this one caution - since the average grade on the individual RATs has been lower than 87% this semester, and Finn final exam averages over the years are normally lower that 87%, I expect the class average to fall slightly when I factor in the 75 points from the Final Exam. Some of you may improve your grade, but overall, the current percentages are slightly inflated over where they are likely to end up.)

d) WebCT Diary Entries. Several of you asked me about less-than-perfect scores for WebCT participation. I checked your scores in each case, and with one exception (who I e-mailed) your scores did not change. If you did not get 100% on these weekly assignments, here are the most common reasons:
- failure to participate fully (minimum 3 substantive messages per week, one must be a reply to someone else's post)
- failure to participate regularly (you must spread out your participation, not post all your weekly messages at once)
- failure to participate early (you must start early in the week, not post all messages the last two days)
The rules on this were clearly spelled out in the original assignment. If you call to discuss your scores, please have a copy of those guidelines in front of you to discuss.

e) Helping Behavior Scores. Team helping behavior includes a variety of things. I rely heavily on the input of your teammates but also factor in my own judgments (regarding the individual's overall contribution to team performance, including team effort, team comportment, team cooperation, and team cohesiveness). Keep in mind that a Helping Behavior score of 150 = 100% (A+, or perfect), 140 = 93% (A, substantially above average), 130 = 87% (B+, well above average), 120 = 80% (B, above average), 110 = 73% (C, or average), 100 = 67% (D, or below average).

If you have any questions about your Helping Behavior score call me. I don't reveal the exact scores you received from each of your teammates, but am willing to share the overall rating you got from your peers, plus my assessment of your team and of your individual contribution.

I hope all this helps.

See you Friday at 10:30 for our Final. Remember - it's in Tydings 2109. Bring a Scantron and a #2 pencil. (Remind your teammates!)

Dr Finn


Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 11:35:30 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Final Exam material

Hi all,

1) Final Exam
Attached is a summary of the material covered on the Final Exam.

2) Posting Grade/Scores in Skinner
A slight delay - I have not yet finished reading all the WebCT comments (it takes a while!), so haven't yet finished assigning points for the WebCT Diary Entries.

As I said earlier, I will send a message letting you know when the revised grade sheets are posted outside Skinner 2103. (I have a commitment this afternoon, so if I don't finish it in the next 2 hours it will be Monday AM before I can get someone in the Comm Dept to post these for me.)

Dr. Finn


Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 14:06:31 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM Course Evaluations - Midnight Deadline Tonight

Hi all,

1) COMM Course Evaluations - end at 11:55 pm TONIGHT
Course evaluations for all COMM courses close tonight at 11:55 pm.

My request is that you take the time to evaluate our 470 course, and my performance this semester, if you haven't yet done so. Thanks in advance!

2) Posting of Student 'Grade Status'
I will send another message tomorrow AM, informing you the 470 grades (to date) have been posted, and providing info about what won't be covered on the final exam.

3) Just for fun - the Juggling Video
Several of you wrote and thanked me for the juggling URL. You're welcome.

One of you wrote to say you liked it, but have seen better jugglers, with more balls. True. Remember, Chris Bliss is a comedian, and the main attraction was how he flailed his arms to the tune of the Beatles' songs Golden Slumbers & Carry That Weight. (Original at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4599172793262250887&q=chris+bliss )

But here's a guy that took the Chris Bliss sound track and did his own amazing 5-ball routine -

Good luck on all your exams.

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 17:33:33 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: Oops! Typo in last message . . .

Hi all,

Dang it! I hate when I confuse 60 people at once!

S11 was mentioned twice in my earlier message today, as you can see below:
2) RAT 6
Readiness Assessment Test 6 is next Tuesday. To make you work load lighter this week, I'm limiting the material covered to: WC9, S10-11 , AR3, the Listening Exercise write-ups, and the lectures. (That is, I'm cancelling readings WC10 and S11-12. They will NOT be covered on RAT 6, nor the Final Exam.)

S11 will NOT be included on RAT 6 or the Final Exam.

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 15:16:09 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <andy@andyfinn.us>
Subject: COMM 470: LE14, RAT6, other details

Hi all,

Several items -

1) Listening Exercise 14
The last week! LE14 is attached.

Note that there are two choices for the Week 14 WebCT Diary Entries:
a) Normal participation - minimum 3 messages discussing how things went with Exercise A of Week 14 LE.
b) A single WebCT message - discussing your acknowledgement this week of a past professor (see Exercise B of Week 14 LE) AND the professor's reply. Note: you only get credit if you get a response from the professor, so I recommend doing this in-person, though e-mail is possible. If you use e-mail, post both messages on WebCT. If you have the conversation in person, provide a detailed description of how the interaction went (e.g., the prof, the course, the semester, what you liked, what you said, what they said in return). To be clear: if you choose option B, one (detailed) WebCT entry/message is enough for full credit for the week.

Note: even if you choose option B above for your WebCT contribution, you are still expected to engage with Exercise A (monitoring and then limiting the number and amount of your conversations that are about complaining and gossip)

2) RAT 6
Readiness Assessment Test 6 is next Tuesday. To make you work load lighter this week, I'm limiting the material covered to: WC9, S10-11, AR3, the Listening Exercise write-ups, and the lectures. (That is, I'm cancelling readings WC10 and S11-12. They will NOT be covered on RAT 6, nor the Final Exam.)

I have only one (possible) taker on bringing a 'listening' song to class. That's ok - there won't be much time for it next week anyway.

But on another music topic - note, this is a direct request to each of you. I depend on the young people I meet to keep me in touch with music I don't know - whether new music that's emerging, or stuff I've missed over the years. I invite any of you who would like to share your favorite music with me to burn me a CD of a few songs. It could be a mix, or all one band. While I'm partial to hard rock, jazz, blues, and classical, I'd love to hear your favorites - or what you consider the best of your favorite genre. I'd be happy to return the favor and share a CD of my favorite stuff with anyone interested. Let me know - or just bring a CD to class.

4) Week 14
There are several important things going on in class next week:
- RAT 6
- Filling out Dr. Finn's Teammate Evaluation Form (Your contribution to the Helping Behavior points)
- End of Semester Course Evaluation

Have a productive week!

Dr. Finn


Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 12:06:20 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <andy@andyfinn.us>
Subject: COMM 470 - LC3 attached
Sender: owner-comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu

Hi teams,

I did NOT attached LC3 to yesterday's message. Here it is.

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 12:46:58 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: LC3, TP3c, Final Exam, RAT6

Hi all,

Several things -

1) Team Project 3c
The third and final Peer Evaluation (TP3c) takes place in class tomorrow (May 2). Each team is responsible for bringing the forms it needs.

2) Listening Critique 3
The last written assignment of the semester, LC3, is due Tuesday, May 9. It is posted on the course web site. An MS Word copy is attached to this message.

3) Final Exam - must remain on May 19
I have been informed by the department that the University does not allow a change in dates for the Final Exam. So our final exam remains scheduled for Friday, May 19, 10:30 am -12:30 pm (in Tydings 2109). NOTE: As stated in the syllabus, there will be no opportunity to take this exam early. The only exception to this policy is for someone who can demonstrate that they bought an airline ticket before April 21 (the day I informed you of the correct day and time).

4) RAT 6
RAT 6 is May 9 - one week from tomorrow. This exam will cover: WC9-10, S10-12, AR3, and the lectures and Listening Critique information since the last RAT.

5) Music about Listening
So far, none of you have indicated that you want to share a favorite song that has a message about listening. That's OK. But if you DO, please send me the lyrics - so I can have them available to the class.

See you Tomorrow!

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 14:27:41 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Listening Exercise 13, Reading AR3, etc.

Hi all,

Good job on RAT 5 yesterday! Two things -

1) Listening Exercise 13
Attached. Read fully and carefully, please.

2) Reading AR3
I have posted the AR3 link(s) on the course web site. To make it easy, the entire reading is included in the attached Word document. AR3 is a series of short essays by Deborah Tannen, covering many of the points about speaking and listening that she makes in her very interesting books.

We'll talk about Tannen's work next Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Dr Finn


Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 14:07:14 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: RAT5, Final Exam, and other delights

Hi all,

I have several things to share with you today -

1) RAT 5
The Scantron machine is here! On Tuesday, I will be scoring the RATs in the front of the room while the teams take the team RAT. This means everyone must bring and use a # 2 pencil – and absolutely NO erasure marks. (Remember the Helping Behavior points – and bring an extra pencil for a teammate.) Smudges and erasure marks will be interpreted as wrong answers - and you could lose points.

So you can focus on Listening Exercise 12, Listening Critique 2, and the Four Temperaments this week, only MBTI info will be covered on RAT 5 (April 25):
- AR2 (Additional Reading 2, the MBTI overviews)
- MBTI lecture (see detailed PPT notes online)
- Guest lecture by Hile Rutledge (though of course, you're not expected to remember his specific examples)
- Four Temperaments workbook
Most of the questions will come from the readings (AR2 and the Four Temperaments workbook).

The following reading assignments will NOT be addressed on RAT 5 (they will be covered in RAT 6 in two weeks):
- WC9, 10
- S10-12

2) Final 470 Writing Assignment
Listening Critique 3 (LC3) is the final writing assignment of the semester. While the initial syllabus discussed a 'Term Paper,' you will recall that the student-determined Grade Weights resulted in the assignment of only 80 points to the three Listening Critiques and the Term Paper. Consequently, I cancelled the Term Paper when I recalculated the Grade Weights and made LC1 worth 20 points and LC2 & LC3 each 30 points.

3) Date of the Final Exam
Our final exam has been assigned the following day and time: Fri, May 19 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. The exam will consist of approximately 50 objective questions (bring a Scantron sheet like we use for the RATs). The exam is comprehensive of the semester's work.

4) Sharing Music You Like
As discussed earlier, I'd like several of you to share a favorite song about listening with the class. Each of the next three weeks we'll spend a bit of time listening to songs that address listening in some way. E-mail me and tell me, or just bring in a CD or flash drive with the song you'd like to share. First come, first served. If no one shares their music, you will be listening to song about listening that I like. You have been warned! :)

On another music topic -
I depend on the young people I meet to keep me in touch with music I don't know - whether new music that's emerging, or stuff I've missed over the years. I invite any of you who would like to share your favorite music with me to burn me a CD. While I'm partial to hard rock, jazz & blues, and classical, I'd love to hear your favorites - or what you consider the best of your favorite genre. I'd be happy to return the favor and share a CD of my favorite stuff with anyone interested. Let me know.

5) Money for MBTI forms
Only 3 additional teams paid for their MBTI materials on Tuesday. Please handle this, as a team, in class next week.

Have a great weekend!

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:10:29 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <andy@andyfinn.us>
Subject: COMM 470: Listening Exercise Week 12, Listening Critique 2, Extra Credit

Hi all,

Hopefully, the presentation by Hile Rutledge yesterday helped you begin to use type/temperament to distinguish not only your own preferences, but those of people around you. I say hopefully, because we're going to be working with temperament this week - in both the Week 12 Listening Exercise and Listening Critique 2.

So, there are several items for your attention -

1) Week 12 Listening Exercise
Attached (and posted on the course web site).

2) Listening Critique 2
LC2 is attached (and posted on the course web site). The Week 12 Listening Exercise is closely tied to Listening Critique 2 (due April 25) . I recommend you start BOTH as soon as possible.

3) Extra WebCT Diary Entry Credit - this week only!
To assist you in getting a head start on LC2, all 470 students can earn an extra week of WebCT Diary Entry points (10) by doubling your normal participation in the WebCT discussion this week. Since you need to share and discuss your Keirsey temperament with your teammates to do part of LC2, this will be an aid in doing LC2 as well. I recommend you go on WebCT as soon as possible and describe how well you feel your Keirsey "temperament" actually captures your style.

No one has to go for the extra 10 points (normal WebCT participation this week is still worth 10 points), but if you do, there are two basic rules:
- as always, these must be 'substantive' comments (not one-liners)
- only postings between now and Saturday midnight count for the extra credit

4) RAT 5
RAT 5 is next Tuesday. I will send another e-mail message within 48 hours describing - and limiting - the scope of the material for this RAT (there's a lot or material since the last RAT, so I will reduce the amount you have to study).

Dr Finn
. . . NT and proud!


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:26:43 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Listening Exercise 11 - and other topics

Hi teams,

5 items this message -

1) Listening Exercise 11
Attached. Please read it carefully. It provides you a clear summary of the 4 functions of the Myers Briggs - and asks you to apply it this week in examining your listening.

It's pretty clear from the WebCT comments, and from the discussion in class the last few weeks, that many of you are not actually reading the Listening Exercises. They do more than simply hand out an assignment. They include valuable course content not found elsewhere. So make it a point to read the Listening Exercises.

The two short MBTI 'applications' I used in class produced mixed results, rather than clear evidence for the utility of the model. I think I know why we got weak, or opposite, results for my MBTI in-class 'demos:'
- I chose people without knowing if they had a strong or weak preference on the function I was trying to demonstrate
- this was the first time I had used either of those particular exercises

Please don't let those examples color your take on the usefulness of Myers Briggs. Go out and try to use it yourself (see Listening Exercise 11 above).

3) $ Money $
I forgot to ask each team to give me the $3 per person for the MBTI. (Only one team did it without asking - thanks Team 9!) All other teams: please collect the money among yourselves and give it to me next week. Obviously, someone will have to volunteer to take the lead on this. (Don't forget that 100 points of your grade are based on team Helping Behavior - judged largely by your peers.) I request that someone step forward and volunteer in an e-mail to your team this week, so you know who will do it before class and on break next week. Thanks!

4) Listening Critique 2
As stated in class yesterday, LC2 will be due on April 25 (not April 18). This will give you another week's exposure to the concepts of the MBTI before you have to write about it.

5) Guest Lecture April 18
I will be bringing Hile Rutledge, Managing Partner at OKA, to discuss the MBTI with you next week. Now that we have the basics of the Myers Briggs under our belts, Hile will focus on the 4 'temperaments,' which provide a simplified (but still very powerful) way to examine your preferences and how they contrast to others in your life. Remember to read you Temperament Profile this week.

Have a great week!

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 18:10:52 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: Comm 470: URGENT - bring $3 to class tomorrow

Hi all,

This week is devoted to team exercises, including some related to your Myers-Briggs results. I have three different printed reports for each of you, based on your MBTI Profile.

But there's one thing I haven't mentioned since the syllabus and Week 1 - the cost of the MBTI.

Please bring $3 to class tomorrow. (I actually spent $6 per student on the booklets and forms, but I can reuse the booklets, so $3 per student is probably enough.)

Rather than have 60 individual transactions (minus those of you who decided not to take the MBTI and do the assignments related to your MBTI profile), I'd like each team to make pull together the money, making change among yourselves. Please plan to arrange the necessary funds among the people on your team and simply give me the money for the entire team.

Thx., and see you tomorrow.

Dr Finn


Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:29:21 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470 - what to discuss on WebCT this week . . .

Hi teams,

One more thing about Listening Exercise 10 this week - what to discuss on WebCT this week.

One of you wrote asking about the WebCT discussions for this week (since I've asked you to track your behavior in a chart but did not give you a behavior to modify and discuss in "Exercise a" this week).

Here's what you do:
- share with your team the numbers in your chart (for the days so far)
- discuss the nature of a couple of your interactions (talk about others not present: "we talked about a friend who had a car accident," or talk about the future: "we talked about the upcoming job fair")
- discuss WHY the assignment asks you to attend to these aspects of your communication (why is Dr. Finn interested in you noticing whether your conversations are about the past vs the present or future? Why notice whether your conversations are about you and your comm partner vs. others not present?

Come to class with an hypothesis about each pair of choices in the table. You will be discussing this as a team next week.

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 13:28:17 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Listening Exercise 10, Add'l Reading 2

Hi all,

Two things today -

1) Listening Exercise 10 is attached
PLEASE READ NOW: This week I'm asking you to do something different. Your task this week is to notice the nature of your interactions and keep a log of them. I'm not asking you to track the specific topics about which you talk.

All you have to do is evaluate each conversation for two components (see the document). Use the chart at the end of the document to track your conversations. You should print the chart out now and carry it with you every day.

2) AR2
Additional Reading 2 has been moved up a week - and is due next week. (And, as discussed in class, Listening Critique 2 has been pushed back a week.) It consists of several online intros to the MBTI. While there is some overlap or repetition, please read each introduction carefully - they each say things a bit differently, and the redundancy will help you master the material.

I've attached an MS Word document with the required reading form the three AR2 document links, to allow you to easily print and read. Be sure to do the AR2 reading this week (see the course web site for the link). You won't be ready to do some of the in-class exercises next week without reading this background on the MBTI.

Finally, did you see that clutch performance by the Lady Terps last night? A long 3-pointer to tie as time expired! Then a win in overtime! We're now National Champs!!! Way to go!!!

Dr Finn


Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 20:54:24 -0400
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: RAT4, TP3b, and other issues

Hi teams,

It's been a long time! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow. (Hope you feel the same :)

Several things -

1) RAT 3 on Tuesday
We'll have the RAT at the beginning of class. It covers WC7-8, and S7-9, the lecture from 3/14, and the Listening Exercises from Week 8 and Week 9. (There is nothing about the MBTI on RAT4.)

2) TP3b in Class on Tuesday
Immediately after the RAT each team will fill out their Peer Evals. Take responsibility for bringing the correct forms to class for your team.

From talking to Steve, it sounds like the admin of the MBTI went smoothly. We'll begin discussing Myers-Briggs tomorrow.

4) LC2
Listening Critique 2 will be about the MBTI and so the due date will me pushed back at least 2 weeks. I'll provide detailed info later this week.

See you tomorrow.

Dr Finn


Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 07:29:37 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: update & class on Tuesday

Hi Folks,

Hope everyone is having a good break. I have a few items to tell you about -

1) The MBTI as a Form of Listening
On Tuesday the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) will be administered in class. Here's how we'll handle this:
- 3/28 - everyone will take the complete 93-item 'survey' in class
- 4/4 - a week later I will provide your MBTI 'type' along with a write-up/explanation of what it means
- 4/11 - there will be readings due related to MBTI
- 4/18 - guest lecture on how to 'listen' using the MBTI by Hile Rutledge (Managing Partner, Otto Kroeger Associates, one of the most knowledgeable and influential Myers-Briggs trainers in the country)
- 4/25 - a written assignment related to listening with MBTI

2) Substitute Professor on Tuesday, March 28
I've just revised this message, because now I will not be in class on Tuesday. My younger sister's husband died this weekend and I'm heading home to upstate NY to be with her and the rest of my family. (Dave was terminally ill, but it's still a shock to everyone - and devastating for her, of course.) The funeral is on Tuesday and I will be back in town Wed. evening. I will not be dealing with e-mail much, if at all, for the next few days.

I'm arranging for a member of the Comm Department to cover our class on Tuesday. There are only two things you need to do in class on Tuesday:
a) the In-class Team Exercise (ITE) for the week, at the beginning of class
b) fill out your (individual) MBTI form
The good news is, you will get out early this week - you can leave when you finish the MBTI.

3) Week 9 Listening Exercise
Attached is the Week 9 Listening Exercise. Note: this is for the week March 29 - April 4.

You should use the extra 1-2 hours you "saved" in class Tuesday on your 470 homework - the Listening Exercise work and the WebCT Diary Entries. Please note: in the second half of the semester I'll be "stepping up" the criteria for the points on the WebCT entries. Actually, the criteria will remain the same, but I'll be less lenient on those of you doing 'the minimum' or less.

I'll send you a another message the end of the week, and see you on April 4.

Dr. Finn


Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 16:47:15 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Andy Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Week 8 Listening Exercise

Hi folks,

Attached is the Listening Exercise for Week 8 (due in 2 weeks). It's also posted on the course web site.

I recommend you handle this now - BEFORE you 'break' for spring - so you don't find yourself overwhelmed with things to do in the March 24-26 time frame.

And BTW, happy pi day (3.14), happy Ides of March (3/15) and Happy St. Pat's (3/17).

Have a great break!

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 12:22:48 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470 - Week 7 Listening Exercise

Hi folks,

The Week 7 Listening Exercise is posted on the course web site. It is also attached.

The focus this week is on eye contact. I have several things I want you to do and several things I want you to notice.

Have a great week!

Dr Finn


Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2006 11:44:04 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: LC1 assignment attached; other reminders

Hi Teams,

Hope everyone's had a good week. Several items -

1) Listening Critique 1
The LC1 assignment is now posted on the course web site. It is also attached to this message. Since it wasn't up as early as I wanted, I've moved the Due Date back a week, to March 14. It's a simple assignment, the first part of which requires you to find examples in popular media that make some useful point about listening. Start thinking about it now. Ask your teammates and friends for help. You could have a team meeting (online or FTF) to brainstorm ideas.

2) Week 6 Listening Exercise
This is just a reminder to put the Week 6 techniques in to practice in your conversations (avoid all forms of 'negating' the speaker in your interactions).

3) WebCT Diary Entries
This is where you discuss what you did and what you learned from the weekly Listening Exercises. Yet some of you are not contributing much in certain weeks, making it difficult to score the WebCT Diary Entry points. I'll provide the course grade sheets in class on Tuesday so you can see how you're doing so far.

See you Tuesday.

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 13:11:13 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM470: Week 6 Listening Exercise

Hi teams,

Attached is the Week 6 Listening Exercise.

If you haven't been reading the entire exercise carefully, please start now. Each week the write-up provides information that I do not cover in class. This week it's about:
1) not immediately negating what a speaker says
2) acknowledgement (this is the last week I'll make ack a formal part of the Listening Exercise)

Have a great week!

Dr Finn


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:18:08 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: TP3a, Scantrons, Communicate with your teammates!

Hi all,

Three items -

1) TP3a
A classmate of yours wrote and asked for clarification re: TP3a. In class today each team will complete Team Project 3a. This involves:
- someone bringing enough copies of your team evaluation sheets (scales)
- filling them out after the RAT
- sharing them with each other
- holding a conversation about how things are going on the team
- making a note on your ITE sheet noting who was in class to participate in this exercise

2) Scantrons at the Bookstore
I've called the UMD bookstore and found out that the textbook area has been roped off. The individually-sold Scantron sheets at located on the lower level in the Customer Service area (behind the registers).

3) Contacting Me
Several students have asked me questions this week about Scantrons, or TP3a, etc. In general, I get the impression some of you are using me as your first point of contact. Stop doing that. When you have a question about something, call or e-mail a teammate. It's a good reason to be in touch and, in general, the more your team communicates the better you will work together as a team this semester.

I'm happy to take questions, but most of the question I've been asked this semester are due to someone not listening (or reading) carefully. The others (such as the Scantrons being moved in the UMD bookstore) have been questions someone on your team had probably figured out the answer to already.

Trust your teammates! Rely on your teammates! Communicate with your teammates!

See you this afternoon.

Dr. Finn


Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 17:21:24 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: CHANGE of classroom; RAT2; Scantrons; Lecture Notes

Hi teams,

Several items today -

1) Our classroom has CHANGED
Remember, come to Art/Socy 1213 this week - and every week from now on.
- please contact your teammates between now and class time tomorrow to remind everyone
- also, early-arriving teams get to stake out the spot they want in the room

2) RAT 2 is tomorrow
As with most RATs, it covers the readings due last week and this week (WC3-4 and S1-3), and the lecture material since the last RAT (the second half of class on 2/14 and last week's class).

3) Lecture Notes Are Up
My lecture notes for Weeks 1-4 are now up on the course web site. They are primarily for people who miss class. Because teams spend much of each class in listening/speaking exercises, the PPT slides for this course contain less info than the notes for my average course. Yet you are always responsible for the lecture content that precedes each RAT.

4) Buying Scantrons
Don't forget. If the bookstore runs out, please let me know. (They supposedly have 500, and we need 60x7=420).

Remember to bring an extra Scantron and/or pencil to help your teammates who may forget.

See you tomorrow. (BTW, I have a video for the second half of class.)

Dr Finn


Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 11:43:06 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470 - NEW Classroom next week, Scantron Sheets, Week 5
Listening Exercise

Hi teams,

Four items today -

1) Week 5 Listening Exercise -
The Week 5 Listening Exercise is attached. It will be on the course web site and on WebCT soon.

2) We are changing classrooms -
Beginning next week, and for the rest of the semester, we're going to use a different classroom:
Art/Socy 1213. (The reason? This room has more chairs which will allow the teams to spread out a bit more. It also has better technology, including a set of speakers - which are lacking in the set-up for our old classroom.) FYI, Rm. 1213 is on the lower level - near the doors that exit on the Campus Drive side of the Art/Sociology building.

Please contact your teammates before class - perhaps Monday evening or Tuesday morning to remind them of the room change. That way they'll make it to the RAT on time.

3) Scantron sheets are in -
The bookstore now has the correct Scantron sheets available (the "half-sheets," # 882-E). They have placed them beside the textbooks for COMM 470 0201. They are sold individually and cost 35 cents each. You will need approximately seven (7) of them (for the five remaining RATs, the final exam, and each of you should supply one for the team RATs).

Please bring an extra one next week - to assist any teammate who forgets theirs for RAT 2.

4) Building with Straws - a Recap
My compliments to ALL the teams who engaged, worked together, and built a structure yesterday. Congrats especially to Team 3 (Open Ears) which came in first at 5' 5", and Team 2 (The Phantom Bats) which came in a close second at 5' 4". BTW, Team 2 edged out Team 8 (The Listening Rats) by improving their project and having me come back to take a second measurement. Good extra effort!

I HAD suggested in class that you could debrief about the "straws" exercise on WebCT this week - but strike that. You're free to discuss your team dynamics on WebCT this week, but it is not required. I will schedule time to debrief in class next week.

Have a great week!

Dr. Finn


Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:36:06 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: Fwd: COMM 470 - Listening Exercise, Week 4

One more time, dang it! I think this will finally go through the umeg list.
You may have noticed that yesterday I posted the Week 4 Listening Exercise on the course web site and WebCT as well.
Dr. Finn

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 14:31:36 -0500
To: 0-comm470-s2006
From: "Dr. Finn" <afinn@mail.umd.edu>
Subject: Fwd: COMM 470 - Listening Exercise, Week 4

Hi folks,
Oops! I thought this went out late last night, but it bounced back. I now know that I have to send from my UMD acct to use the umeg class list - from now on I'll get it right!
Dr Finn

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 01:00:36 -0500
To: 0-comm470-s2006
From: Andy Finn <andy@andyfinn.us>
Subject: COMM 470 - Listening Exercise, Week 4

Hi teams,

Congrats on reaching consensus among 60 people today in record time! You guys rock! I've use teams in class sizes from 16 to 250 and I've never had a class reach consensus more quickly or with less conflict/debate. Nice job!

Attached is the Week 4 Listening Exercise.

Have a great week!

Dr. Finn


Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:28:06 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470 Class - Test your WebCT id - OIT Closes at 5:00 on Friday

Hi folks,

Reminder - WebCT Diary Entries

You can't being the WebCT Diary Entries (10 points per week) without tackling the week's "Listening Exercises."
The directions for both were e-mailed Thursday AM (I messed up my attempt to send that info Wed. afternoon). The directions are also on my web site.

Something to remember - you cannot get full credit by doing all your posting in the last 36 hours (on Monday & Tuesday). So try out the advice in the Week 3 Listening Exercise in your conversations, and then discuss your experiences on WebCT.

But I encourage you to "test" your ability to get into WebCT before Friday at 5:00 pm. I will be very empathetic if you have technology problems, but it won't affect your point totals. Remember, the OIT Help Line closes for the weekend on Friday at 5:00 pm.

Dr Finn


Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:26:08 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470 - WebCT and Other Delights

Hi teams,

I have several things to share with you (you'll notice I number my items, to make it easy for you to sort through the different topics).

1) WebCT Diary Entries
Each week, there are points available - points at stake - for participation in an online team discussion. Attached is an overview of how this works. READ THIS ATTACHMENT TODAY. The short version: each week I will provide you with one or more things you should explicitly try/notice/alter in at least four conversations you have in the normal course of your week. Discuss your impressions and reaction to these 'Listening Exercises' on WebCT that week. I'll send you a different Listening Exercise each week.

I suspect most of you know how to log in to WebCT, but here goes -
a) go to https://www.courses.umd.edu
b) enter your UMD / WebCT computer ID and password
c) select COMM 470; go to Discussions; post comments under the topic labeled with your team name/number
d) note - the only thing we'll be using WebCT for is the WebCT Diary Entries; everything else is on the 470 course web site at http://wam.umd.edu/~afinn/
e) if you have questions, ask a teammate (they all have Helping Behavior points at stake this semester)

2) TP1 & TP2
Team Project 1 is due next week; Team Project 2 is due Feb 21. TP1 is quite simple. TP2 requires quite a bit of team discussion, so start early.

3) Team Rosters
Revised team rosters are due to me by 3:30 on Thursday. Send it to your team members too, of course. (BTW, I did not receive anything from Teams # 4 and # 9 last week.) Also, since so many of you use IM, consider exchanging IDs if you haven't already.

4) Communicating with Your Teammates
If you haven't sent a group message to your teammates - even if only to say hello or share some information with them - consider doing it this week.

I have a couple more items to share with you - I'll do that in a couple days.

Dr Finn


Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 15:36:39 -0500
To: comm470-0201-spr06@coursemail.umd.edu
From: Dr Finn <afinn@umd.edu>
Subject: COMM 470: Preliminary information

Hi all,

This message is to everyone registered for COMM 470 (section 0201).

I'm really looking forward to our conversations this semester - I hope you are as well.

Some things you should know -
- the COMM 470 course web site is now up - at http://www.wam.umd.edu/~afinn/
- I've attached a document about Setting Grade Weights. Each individual student should take an initial position on "Setting Grade Weights' and bring it to the Feb. 7 class. You will spend time weeks 2 & 3 reaching consensus - first among your team and then among all the teams about the final grade weights for the course
- a reminder - I will be taking team pictures in class on Tuesday, February 7
- remember to order our second book online (Swets, 1983 - The art of talking so that people will listen . . .)
- I've made one small change to the syllabus - Reading AR1 is now due week 4

For those of you who were not in class last Tuesday -
- you can download a copy of the syllabus on the COMM 470 web site
- do the assigned readings
- you will be added to a team next Tuesday

Have a good weekend!

Dr Finn