All Things Purple

Apparently, not only is purple one of the most beautiful colors, it was one so rare and pure that it was reserved for nobility. The color purple is associated with the supernatural possibly because it is the "most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy" ( In researching, I found that there are many meanings of the color purple (different shades have different meanings). "Purple can represent royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, and mourning" (
Culturally, the color purple has a mix of different meanings.
In Tudor Britain, violet was the color of mourning. Henry VIII
Julius and Augustus Caesar were referred to as "The Purple" and the only ones allowed to wear the noble color. statue of Julius Caesar
The Pop Star Prince's signature color is purple. Prince playing guitar
Violet was the royal color during Cleopatra's reign. Cleopatra
Purple is the color of contemplation. meditation
All information on the color purple was taken from the sites below:
The Meanings of Purple

Symbolism Colors
The Many Meanings of Violet/ Purple
Module 4