#1.  Explain any unfamiliar historical or geographical references in the poem as well as any unfamiliar words (even if the word is familiar to you, explain a word you think some other general adult reader might not know):


Unfamiliar reference or word

Dr. Sigmund Freud: the originator of psychoanalysis, which claimed to interpret the unconscious desires that underlie our conscious behavior.  According to Peter Gay, Freud thought the mind should be treated as part of nature: "As a loyal follower of 19th century positivists, Freud drew a sharp distinction between religious faith (which is not checkable or correctable)  and scientific inquiry (which is both). For himself, this meant the denial of truth-value to any religion whatever, including Judaism." (http://www.time.com/time/time100/scientist/profile/freud02.html)



Unfamiliar reference or word

rosary: a string of beads that Roman Catholics use to say
prayers. The beads are arranged in specific patterns that require the
repetition of short prayers (this would be related to the idea of saying
the rosary "by rote").



Unfamiliar reference or word

metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that concerns itself with the
origin, nature, and structure of reality.