Resume O. Arans. December 2000
Education | - UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS at Urbana-Champaign
- Ph. D. in Classical Philology (1989)
- Thesis: Iambe and Baubo: A Study in Ritual Laughter (Abstract DAIA. vol. 50, no.2, August 1989, 435-A
- ABD in Ph.D. program in Russian Literature
- Minor subject: Cultural Anthropology
- M. A. in Classics + Comparative Folklore (1976)
- B. A. in Classics + European Literature (1974)
Foreign Languages | - Professional expertise: Latin; Classical Greek; Russian
- Scholarly use: German; French; Italian; Polish
Experience | - GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY, Department of Modern and Classical Languages(1998- present) Tel. (703) 993-1220
- Adjunct Professor in Classics. Teaching courses in:
- Latin (LAT 101)
- Greek and Latin Elements in English (CLAS 240)
- Classical Mythology (CLAS 250)
- Legacy of Greece and Rome (CLAS 260)
- Greek and Roman Epic (CLAS 340)
- Greek and Roman Tragedy (CLAS 350)
- Greek and Roman Historians (CLAS 370)
- All these courses incorporate instructional technology/distance educationmodule (WebCT).
- Teacher of Latin
- Instruction in Latin (elementary to advanced levels) to Middle/High schoolstudents.
- Teacher of Social Studies
- Courses in World Studies; American Studies I/II.
- THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA, Department of Modern Languages andLiteratures (1989 - 1994)
- Lecturer in Russian
- Instruction in Russian, elementary to advanced levels.
- Selection of instructional materials, both textual and audio-visual.
- Compiling auxiliary materials and grammatical digests.
- Consulting students, faculty and community.
- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS at Urbana-Champaign (1977 - 1989)
Department of Classics- Instructor in Latin
- Teaching Assistant to the courses on Classical Civilization (Mythology;Archaeology; Greek and Roman Cultures)
U. of I. World Heritage MuseumDepartment of Slavic Languages and Literatures/ East European Center- Teaching Assistant. Taught courses in:
- Russian Language (elementary to advanced levels)
- Russian Literature
- Russian Folklore
- Instructor in Classics. Taught courses in:
- ST. PETERSBURG INSTITUTE OF THEATER, Section of Folklore (1974-1976)
- Research Fellow of the interdisciplinary network of the RussianAcademy of Sciences/ Ministry of Culture:
Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) Institute of Ethnology- Research in Classical backgrounds of European cultures
- Seminar in cross-cultural studies of drama and theater
- Participation in collecting, preservation, analysis, editing of textualdata of folklore.
Academic publications | - "The Fall of Elpenor: Homeric Kirke and the Folklore of the Caucasus."TheJournal of Indo-European Studies, Fall/Winter 1994, vol. 22, no. 3& 4, 371-398.
- Review article: "M. I. Steblin-Kamenskij, Myth. Leningrad, 1976." ScandinavianStudies, 1978, vol. 50, no. 2, 216-217.
- "The Guilt of Boris Godunov in Pushkin's Tragedy." Le Messager: VestnikR.Ch.D. (The Messenger of the Russian Christian Democratic Movement), 1984,no. 143, 128-156 (in Russian)
- "On the Interpretation of the 'Knowledge by Suffering' in Aeschylus, Agamemnon176-183. " The Journal of Indo-European Studies, 1978, vol. 6, no.3/4, 243-262.
- The Oresteia by Aeschylus in the Light of Comparative Folklore. Leningrad,1976 (in Russian)
- "On the Folkloric Background of Ancient Greek Theater." Narodnyj Teatr(Folk Theater), Leningrad, LGITMIK, 1974, 36-54 (in Russian)
- "On the Folkloric Background of the Tragic Catharsis." Folklore i Etnografia(Folklore and Ethnography), Leningrad, Nauka, 1974, 60-68 (in Russian)
References | - Dr. Martin M. Winkler, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. tel. (703)993-1634
- Dr. Christine R. Schea, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. tel. (317) 282-4393
- Dr. Albert Watanabe, Texas Tech., TX. tel. (806) 742-9007
- Dr. Miroslav Marcovich, Professor Emeritus, Iniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Urbana, IL. tel. (217) 344-1605