Required: Recommended:

Aim of the Course:
    Classics 250 introduces students to the myths of classical antiquity as the source of artistic inspiration and literary genius of ancient Greece and Rome, which sets the foundation of the entire Western civilization. The lecture-discussions will pursue the four distinct targets of the course:

This course may be taken in partial fulfillment of the university's literature requirement.

    Classics 250 is an introductory-level course, and prior acquaintance with the subject is not required. A large amount of class time will, of necessity, be devoted to lectures outlining the contents of classical myths; their archetypal nature, comparative analysis and modern interpretations. Class sessions will occasionally be supplemented by visual data on classical mythology.
Since the course is structured as lecture-discussions, students' participation is encouraged, solicited and appreciated. Students, thus, are urged to participate by posing questions, offering alternative or additional interpretations, sharing perspectives or adding their own observations to the data discussed in class.

Students' Responsibilities:

    No term paper is required.  All tests are based on class lectures and assignments and will include identifications of names, terms, concepts, etc.  Outside aid in preparation for exams, such as reviewing materials with others or additional readings, is perfectly acceptable; however, no aid is permitted during any exam (cf. below under Honor System). Students whose native language is not English and who foresee difficulties understanding the English of the tests may receive permission to use a dictionary (e.g. English-Spanish) if they explain their need for a dictionary to me before the end of the second week of the semester.
     Since grades in all Classics courses are exclusively based on students' performances, you are yourself solely responsible for your grade in this course. In effect, you -- and only you! -- grade yourself. For the sake of fair treatment of all students, graduating seniors and those who must maintain a certain grade point average, e.g. to keep a scholarship or to be admitted to an advanced degree program, should not expect special consideration from the instructor but should work particularly conscientiously instead.  The responsibility not to jeopardize your GPA or your graduation rests solely with you.

    The three exams (non-cumulative) count 50 points each; the Final Exam (comprehensive) counts 100 points. A grade of Incomplete will be given only in accordance with university regulations.
Breakdown by percentages:
 0-59%   = F
 60-69% =  D
 70-77% = C
 78-79% = C+
 80-82% = B-
 83-87% = B
 88-89% = B+
 90-92% = A-
 93-100% = A 
Weighted grade ingredients:
Intermediate exams average = 60%
Final Exam = 25%
Class participation = 15%

     The university allows only an instructor's legitimate error as the basis for changing a course grade after it has been submitted to the registrar's office.  No later work can therefore be accepted to improve a grade.

Honor System:
    George Mason University participates in an honor system which has existed in Virginia since 1842.  The GMU Honor Code, to which you have agreed to conform with your application for admission to the university, provides that a student's word is a declaration of good faith acceptable as truth in all academic matters.  Specifically, the Honor Code applies to all your written work submitted for a grade.  By putting your name to your exam you certify that you are the only person who has produced the work you hand in.  Students are expected, but faculty is required to report violations of the Honor Code to the university's Honor Committee. If you are caught, do not expect or ask for forgiveness. Your enrollment in this class constitutes your acknowledgment that you have received fair warning that cheating, plagiarism, and other kinds of intellectual dishonesty are unacceptable. For details of the Honor System and Code consult the appropriate pages in the current Undergraduate Catalog.

A Final Note:
    If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. You are welcome to stop by my office and chat about the field of Classical Studies and/or Humanities in general. And take a look sometime at the GMU Classical Studies internet Homepage at with information on the program and a wealth of links to classical and related sites all over the world (museums, universities, images, texts, etc.)

Glossary of names
Theories of myth
The Iliad
Creation myths
The Odyssey
Olympian gods
The story of King Oedipus
The Underworld
The story of Orestes