Student Technology Survey

Student:_____________________________ Semester:______ Course:_______________ Section:_______
Instructor:___________________________ Student's SS #____________________ Major_________

 Computer access evaluation
1.  I own or have regular access to a personal computer at home/dorm.
2. This computer is connected to a modem or network.
3.  I am technologically competent.

Self evaluation of experience level
4. E-Mail ............................................................................
5. Listserv/Mailing Lists...................................................
6. Newsgroups..................................................................
7. World Wide Web ........................................................
8. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) .......................................
9. Web Page Creation  ....................................................
10. Presentation Software (PowerPoint) .......................
11. Desktop Publishing  .................................................
12. Graphics Programs  .................................................
13. Programming (Basic, C+, Java)  ..............................
14. Library Online Catalog ...........................................
15. Library Databases/Indexes  ......................................

16.  To know if a Library owns a certain book, you should (choose one answer):
  a. _______ Surf the Web
b. _______ Search periodical databases & indexes
  c. _______ Check the online catalog
  d. _______ Browse the shelves
17.  When looking for articles on a certain topic the best route to take is:
a. _______ Surf the Web
  b. _______ Search periodical databases & indexes
  c. _______ Check the online catalog
d. _______ Read the table of contents of magazines and newspapers
18.  A World Wide Web address is called:
a._______ a Uniform Resource Locator
b. _______ a Domain Name
c. _______ a TCP/IP Name
19.  This is a valid format for a World Wide Web Page address
a. _______
b. _______
c. _______
20. Material on the World Wide Web does not have to follow copyright restrictions.
________ True
  ________ False
21. All search engines on the World Wide Web give the same results.
________ True
________ False
22. Computer searches for library material must be performed in the library.
  ________ True
________ False