virginia montecino's

SSH (Secure Shell) FTP and Telnet Client
SSH Secure Shell Telnet and FTP (file transfer protocol) provide more security for transferring data because of an encrypted link between client and server computers.

See how to get and install the program on your own PC at the end of these instructions.

Configure Secure Shell:

1. Double click the SSH Secure Shell desktop icon (or from your Start menu, select Programs, then select SSH Secure Shell.)

2. Select the Quick Connect option: Quick Connect

3. You will see the Connect to Remote Host dialog box:
remote host connect

Type the following:
a. In the Host Name field, type
b. In the User Name field, type your mason username (without the extension).
c. Click Connect.
d. If the Host Identification box appears, click Yes.
e. After you click "Connect." (If the Unauthorized Access Prohibited message appears, click "OK.")
f. In the "Enter Password" dialog box, type your mason password (which may or may not be the same as your email passsword).
g. Click OK
You can now work directly with your account to telnet into your mason directory to create folder/directories, edit files, set file permissions.

Use Secure Shell FTP (to transfer files):

1. Select the File Transfer icon:  file transfer
2.You will see a split screen
ftp screen
---The left side shows files that are on the PC you are working on (local name).
---The right side shows files that are in your mason account in your "home"directory on the mason server.
    (You can change which side is local and which is remote; however, generally, the left side is local.)

3. To transfer (send) a file,  highlight the file in the local (left) column that you want to transfer (or vice versa).  "Drag" the file with your cursor to the correct directory. If you want to put a .html file in your public_html directory, be sure you drag the file into that directory. [Be sure you click on the refresh refresh icon before sending a changed file to your directory.]

To go "home" to see all local drives, click the right mouse button while your mouse cursor is in the left hand or right "window" (whichever one you want to go "home" to).  Then click on the ssh home icon icon

4. DISCONNECT (so no one can alter your files or send information from your account) by selecting the "File" option and then select "disconnect."

Set File Permissions (if your web pages/files don't appear) 
1. Click on the file (in your public_html directory) with your right mouse button.  
2. Select the "Properties" option.  You will see this "Permissions" screen:
set permissions
The permissions checks (above) are the default options (so that only the owner of the files can read and edit them, while other people can only read them.) 

3.Select OK when finished

To End Secure Shell session:
1. At the mason server prompt, type exit and press the Return key. You are now logged out from the mason server.
2. Select Quit to exit the Secure Shell program.  This is important to prevent access to your files.

Use Secure Shell Telnet Client: 
1. Select the Telnet Client icon: Telnet Client  You will see: 
No mail.
TERM = (vt100)
2. Press ENTER to go to the (or prompt.
3. You can then enter your mason server space to manage files, edit web pages, etc.

Get Secure Shell:
1. On the Web, go to and click on "Downloads."
2. Select Secure Shell
3. Save the file on your computer. (Remember where you saved it!) 

Install Secure Shell:
1. Double click on "SSH" icon.
2. When the Install Shield Wizard dialog box opens, click Next.
3. Read the License Agreement and then click Yes.
4. Select the default Destination Folder and then click Yes.
5. Select the default Program Folder and then click Yes.
6. Select all four remaining components and then click Yes.
7. In the subsequent Install Shield Wizard dialog box, to complete installation click Finish

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