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Cut and Paste text from a word processor to an e-mail message

This method avoids the hassles of uploading and downloading files.

Caution: Sending long documents as an e-mail message is generally not a good idea because it clogs the recipient's e-mail account. However, if you are working in a Windows-type environment, and you want to send short documents or if you are not sure your recipient can easily read files sent as attachments, here is a way to cut and paste text into an e-mail message. Special formatting, such as bold, and some indents, or centered text, will not transfer.

1. Compose your document in your word processor as usual. Then use highlight your text by dragging your mouse across the text while holding down the left mouse button.

2. Then select the EDIT , then COPY option on your toolbar or click on the Copy symbol on your tool bar. Don't close your word processing program - let it run in the background or minimize the window if you prefer.

3. Open your Windows-type e-mail program as usual. While in the message portion of your e-mail, select the EDIT, then PASTE option on your communications program. The text should appear.

4. Send your message as usual.

To send a text file to your home directory in mason/osf1 using cut and paste:

1. Go into your mason/osf1 account as usual.

a)At the> prompt, type pico instead of pine. [Pico allows you to open a document-editing function in your home directory in mason. The blank screen is essentially a blank "page," like a wordprocessing "page." On this "page" you can create and edit text, using the pico editing commands, as explained in my using pine instructions. Files residing in your home directory can be sent as e-mail messages or attached files - read my using pine instructions for directions. If you create a public_html directory, you will be able to send and edit files that can be read in your WEB page - see my How to Create a Web Page.]

b)To paste text in the "page" created by typing pico at your mason/osf1> prompt :

a) Compose your document in your word processor as usual. Then use highlight your text by dragging your mouse across the text while holding down the left mouse button.

b) Then select the EDIT , then COPY option on your toolbar or click on the Copy symbol on your tool bar. Don't close your word processing program - let it run in the background or minimize the window if you prefer.

c)While in the "page" you created in your home directory, select the EDIT, then PASTE option on your communications program. The text should appear.

d) Press CTRL X to Save and Exit. In response to the prompt: "Save the Modified Buffer," press "Y" or "N" for "yes" or "no."

e)When prompted for: "File Name to write:" type in an appropriate name. To find the file again, when you log on, at the mason/> prompt, type ls.

f)To read and/or edit the file, at the mason/> prompt, type pico and the name of the fileLeave a space between pico and the file name. To Save and Exit, refer to Step d).

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