I stumbled over the railroad tracks as I made my way down from the hill. The anticipation built. I was ready for a hamburger or some fries. I wanted food and clean water. The town was just in sight when I heard a loud clap. I looked in the distance to see a large cloud of dust which blocked out the sun. It was bright. So bright I could barely see. Yellow and orange quickly filled the sky. I felt the wind vibrate then pass by me rapidly. I didn't know what to do. A bomb going off in the distance. I quickly made my way down the hill to try and find cover. The wind picked up and threw me against a tree. 


    I came to my senses and tried to push on. I looked behind me and saw a large cloud. It picked me up and threw me up into the air. It burned my skin and held me up in the air. I was thrown to the ground when I woke up. I looked around. I had fallen out of my bed and landed on the ground. The alarm clock read 10:45. I was supposed to meet some friends for a hiking trip in an hour. I quickly gathered my clothes and what gear I was carrying and left my room.