The light had grown faint but my eyes were becoming adjusted to the moonlight. I walked into the woods to gather firewood to build a fire. The larger pieces of wood were few and far between. I did however after fifteen minutes of searching have enough to walk back towards the river. I stacked the wood into a cabin formation and layed leaves in the middle with some tender that I made by rubbing the wood on the rocks. I struck the match and lowered it into the house of wood. It ignited the kindling and soon the fire was burning. I sat against a large rock near the fire.

    After an hour warming up next to the fire I started digging beneath the rocks. The worms that lived beneath the rocks would take a little edge off the hunger. I took a few from under the rock and held them near the fire until they stopped moving and slowly ate them. The taste was bearable but I would never eat them if I had the choice. As I chewed on them I knew that there was a way I could get out of this. I finished my worms and sat up next to the fire to warm myself up. I gathered some water from the stream and placed it in the water bottle I carried. I tied it over the fire with some bark I shredded.


     Time passed and I got up, determined to find my way out of this mess. I placed the water in the water shortly to cool it down. I got up and walked towards the treeline and followed the river. My clothes had warmed and I had eaten. I was determined to get out alive.