Adding a Second Page to Your Website

TASK 1  
Setting Up A Subdirectory on Mason  

TASK 2  
Creating Your Subpage File and Setting It's Permissions  

TASK 3  
Linking Your Subpage to Your Homepage   

You're all done...check out your new page! 

2009.JPG (sailboats in a sunset) 
When you made your first webpage, you took three basic steps to create your webpage : you prepared space for a new HTML file on your acccount,  you created an HTML file, and you set the permissions on your new file. 

You repeat will these three basic steps when you add a second webpage to your site.  

As you add more and more pages to your website, you will get very used to this process. 

Use the directions on this webpage to: 


TASK ONE -- Setting Up a Subdirectory Directory on MASON  
When you make a second webpage for your site, it is a good idea to make a new directory for your new HTML file and any graphic files you associate with it. You can create a second webpage for your site without creating a subdirectory for it, but your web work will be much easier to manage if you create a new subdirectory: if you don't make a new subdirectory for your new page, it is as if you are putting all the papers from all your classses into one folder--and if you do that, you will have a hard time keeping your papers organized, easy to find, and easy to work with.  

Of course, once you make your new subdirectory, you will need to change the permissions on it so that web users will have permission to read any files in it.  

Follow the directions below to both create a subdirectory and to change its permissions. 

A. Log onto your mason account (use Telnet) 

B. Type the following commands EXACTLY. 

cd public_html   

Moves you into your public_ html directory.  


mkdir English   
Creates a subdirectory called English within the directory public_html.  


chmod 755 English   
Correctly sets the permissions on this new subdirectory, English, so that web users can access HTML files you put in it  


cd English   
Moves you into the new subdirectory called English 

TASK TWO -- Creating Your Subpage File and Setting Its Permissions   

A.  Now you need to make your new HTML file. You can make an HTML file many different ways, but for the simple pages you are making for this class, it is easiest to use Pico to create your webpages while you are on-line (logged into Mason). 

To make your new HTML file, after the mason prompt type: 

pico advice.html   
"pico" starts the pico program and " advice.html " tells pico what to name the new file you are creating.  
B.   Type the following exactly (expect for the items in bold italics... include your specific information in place of the bolded and italicized words). The information in the <> marks is html mark-up, or HTML tags. This makes this file a WWW (html) file. 
<title> Advice for Learning English</title> 


<body bgcolor= " add a color code# " text= " #000000 " > 


<h1> Learning English</h1> 


<p>This is where you type in your paragraph about a good way to learn English<p> 


<p>Here is an interesting link to help you learn English: 


<li><a href="Type in the URL of a webpage you want to link your subpage to"Type in the title of the webpage you are linking to </a> 

<a href = " mailto: your e-mail address " >your e-mail address </a> 



C. When you are done typing, press the control key and the X key at the same time (the exit command at the bottom of your screen--^X). When you are prompted, answer y for yes to exit pico and to save the file. When the computer asks you if you want to save the file as advice.html press the return key (that means you are answering yes). 

D. Now you need to set the correct permissions for this new webpage. To do so, follow the directions below:  

chmod 755 advice.html  
Sets permissions on your new HTML file that allow visitors to view it.

TASK THREE -- Linking Your Subpage to Your Homepage  

Now that you have a second webpage, you will want to link it to your first page, or homepage, so that you will have a true website, rather than simply a webpage 

To put a link on your homepage to your second page, you need to get to your index.html file in your public_html directory. Right now you are in a subdirectory of public_html called English. Use the following command to get back "up" out of English into public_html 

cd ..  
Be sure to leave a blank space infront of the two period marks when you type in this command
Now that you are in public_html, you can edit your index.html file using Pico. To start pico and open your index.hmtl file, type the following after the mason. prompt:  
pico index.html  
"pico" starts the pico program and " index.html " tells pico what to open the file called index.html
Choose a place on your homepage where you want to add the link to your second page (at the bottom of your homepage near your "mailto" link). Once you have found the place you want to your link, type in the following line to your index.html file:  
        <a href =" ~your username/English/advice.html " > Type in the title of the webpage you are linking to </a>  

Check It Out! 
A. Your new website is complete! Your file called index.html is now not only used as the default page when visitors look, but now it is also truly your homepage: the webpage people see first when they type in your URL. It is like the first room of your apartment or house: people come into first and then can be lead to other rooms in the apartment or house from there. The address, or URL for your homepage is is:
The address, or URL, for your subpage is:
Test out your website. Start Netscape and use the Open command. Type in your URL:
 Now look for the link to your subpage and click on it. Doesn't it work great?