Matrix Questions 

As you watch the Matrix listen/look for answers to the following questions. 

Some of the questions have specific, concrete answers from the film, others ask for your opinion or interpretation.

Answers are due Tuesday, October 6, 2008 at the beginning of class.

1.  In the opening scene, you see green characters "falling."  Why do they  present?

2.  What is the woman's name?

3.  Does the woman escape the people pursing her?

4.  Who is "good" and who is "bad," the woman or the people pursing her?  How do you know (at this point in the movie)?

5.  What is the name of the next "target"?  Does the target have more than one name?  If so, include all the names the target goes by.

6.  What happens if the man takes the blue pill?

7.  What is the matrix?

8.  Does Neo make his first jump or not? What are the implications of this?

9.  Who are the gatekeepers?

10. Which crew member is "the rat" (tells the secrets of the group to their oposition). 

11.  What did the oracle tell Trinity?

12.  What did the oracle tell Morpheus?

13.  What did the oracle tell Neo?

14.  Who saves Morpheus?  How is this done?

15.  Who saves Trinity?  How is this done?

16.  Who saves Neo? How is this done?

17.  Why is the Morpheous character given his name?

19.  Why is the Neo character given his name?

20.  Why is the Trinity character given her name?

21.  Do the main characters in the film have freedom of choice or not?

22.  In this movie, there are several references to Alice in Wonderland. [Try this link too.] Write down at least one of these references. 
       Why do you think the writers keep mentioning Alice in Wonderland?

23.  What message does this movie give about life?

24.  What did you like best about this movie?

25.  Would you recommend this movie to other ELI students?  Why?

Maintained by: Laurie Miller
Last updated:  September 2008
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