Looping: Talking Like the Stars 

This is one of two cumulative projects you will complete at the end of the semester. This assignment challenges you to apply the American English pronunciation guidelines we have learned and practiced this semester as you listen to an audio clip from a film, mark up the dialogue and then record yourself saying it. 

You will be a given a 30 sec to 1 min audio clip of a scene from a movie we watched this term. 

Assignment Overview  
  • Listen to your scene
    • write down dialogue
    • optional step = watch the scene in the movie with the subtitles turned on to check your listening
    • time the scene 
  • Write up Dialogue with Pronunciation "Markers"
    • mark phrases with /
    • mark stress in the following ways: 
      • stressed syllables in stressed words (white elephants) in a phrase should be in CAPital LETterselephant 
      • stressed syallbles in focus words (black elephants) in a phrase should be in BOLD or highlighted balck elepant 
    • listen to the recording of the actor OVER and OVER to make sure your markings are correct and to get the timing (phrasing & pausing) about the same as the actor
  • Digitally record yourself speaking the scene's dialogue
    • try to sound as much like the original actor as possible
    • try to match the timing of the original (total time and pauses) as much as possible








Due Dates:

  • Written text from scene = Thursday, April 8
    • Must include time of dialogue as spoken by original actor
    • stress must be marked
  • First recording  = Thursday, April 8
  • Second recording  = Thursday, April 15
  • Final Recording = Friday, April 23

Grading Criteria
  • Text correct (30% -- 10% for each)
    • words
    • phrasing
    • stress (content & focus words)
  • First recording turned in (10%)
  • Second recording turned in (10%)
  • Final recording (50%)
    • matches orginal time of scene +/- 3 seconds (15%)
    • stress and phrasing correctly produced (35%)

Maintained by: Laurie Miller
Page URL:
Last updated: April 2, 2010
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