Mason Oscars: Collecting, Organizing & Presenting Data

This assignment focuses on collecting data from people outside of class, analyzing the data and presenting it in a manner a college professor would expect to see in his/her class.

First, you will be placed into a group.














Within your group, you will work to write questions to ask people about the movies they like best. You must interview people outside of class who are fluent speakers of English. You may not interview ELI students and you may only interview one ELI faculty or staff member. Your questions must focus on at least the following categories:
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Director
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Movie

In addition to asking people your questions, you must also collect some data about the people you speak to:

  • age (range)
  • male/female
  • occupation
  • average number of movies seen in a year
While you are asking people your questions, you may only:
    • speak English
    • speak your questions
      • you can not ask interviewees to read your questions
    • listen to interviewee answers
      • you can not ask interviewees to write answers
      • write down information yourself
      • ask clarification question (e.g. spelling of names)

Each person in your group must speak and get answers from a minimun of 15 people.

After you have collected your data. your group will work together to organize your data and present it in charts and/or graphs using PowerPoint and Excel.

Your final presentation of data will be in graph format during a "electronic" poster session in-class. Each group member must present your group's "poster," so you need to practice giving the presentation together before the actual poster session so that so all say approximately the same thing. 

EXAMPLE:Mason Oscars   Each presentation of the "poster" should take between 5 and 7 minutes.

After the poster session presentations, each student will be given an individual oral quiz (see specifications listed to the right). 


Image from


Due Dates:

  • Questions =
    Friday, March 11, 2011
  • Data Collected & Combined by =
    Friday, March 25, 2011

    class meets in INNOVATION 317
  • Presentation =
    Tuesday, March 29, 2011
    in INNOVATION 317
    • Your group will present it's findings in an "electronic poster" format

    • You will individually quizzed on oral summarizes of data presented in presentations (you may use your notes).





Grading Criteria

  • All required components present in a clear, complete manner in an appropriate
    format = 50%  (group grade)
    • Appropriate, clear format (10%)

    • Peer accessement of effort and quality of work (20%)
    • Charts and/or graphs easily convey data in correct format (e.g. spelling of names) (20%)
  • Oral Quiz 50% (individual grade)
    • Individual can present oral summaries and conclusions
      • based on data from group presentations
      • to the instructor
      • within a limited timeframe (15 seconds to respond to a question)


    • speak with correct sentence & word stress on key vocabulary terms:
      • The best actor in our survey is ______________________.
      • The best actress in our survey is _______________________.
      • The best director in our survey is _____________________.
      • The best movie in our survey is _______________________.
      • The movie with the best cinematography in our survey is _______________________.
      • According to our survey, _____________people prefer to watch a movie in a theater than at home.
      • The occupation of most of the people we surveyed is ______________________.

Maintained by: Laurie Miller
Last updated: March 2011
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