Peer Review 2

Reading for an Analysis

Today you will work with a partner to identify the analysis in his/her essay. Additionally, you should mark any sentence fragments that you find. Please sign your name at the end of the essay that you read. 

Directions:  Read your partner's essay, focusing on one paragraph at a time.  On a separate piece of paper, write out answers with complete explanations to the following :

  • Introduction -- After you read the introduction, complete the following:
    • An introduction should have at least three parts: an attenion-getter or general subject introduction, an topic introduction and a presentation of the thesis.
      • How does this introduction start, with an attention-getter or a general subject introduction?
      • What is the topic of this essay? 

      • What is the thesis of this essay?

  • Body -- This is the part of the essay that presents the anaylsis -- it looks at the pieces that create the entire subject you are anaylzing and explains how the pieces create an end result.  The end result can be an impression left in a listener's mind after she listens to a song or it can be an understanding of how a person faces challenges in his life. The key here is that the essay not only describe the parts, but also how they work together to create something. As you read this part of the essay, look for answers to the following questions

      • What distinct parts of the whole are described?

      • For each distinct part the writer mentions, does he/she explain the effect the part has on the whole? How?

  • Conclusion -- A conclusion should do at least three things: restate the thesis, summarize the body paragragh main ideas and tell the reader what to do or think next. After reading the essay's conclusion, write out responses to the following:

    • Restating the Thesis
      • Write out the restated thesis.
      • Do you think this is a good restatment of the thesis?  Why or why not?

    • Are the body paragraph main ideas summarized? How well is this done?

    • As a reader, are you told what to do or think next?  What are you told?  Do you think this is a good way to end the essay?  Why or why not?
When you are done reviewing your partner's essay, return it and the asnwers you wrote out in repsone to this sheet the the writer.  Writer should use the comments provided by their peers, including the identification of any sentence fragments, when they rewrite their papers. When you turn in the final draft of your essay, please include your peer's review comments in the packet you turn in (first draft, second draft, peer review, final draft).


Laurie Miller
Last Update: March 1, 2006

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