Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 325)
Summer 2016
Section A01 8:30 - 11:30 in Art Building 2026 MWF
Professor: Jerome Short, Ph.D.
Office: David King Hall 2019
Phone: 703-993-1368
E-Mail: jshort@gmu.edu
Webpage: http://mason.gmu.edu/~jshort
Office Hours: 12:15 - 1:15 Mondays and Wednesdays
*Last day to add course: May 18 *Last day to drop course: May 23
Textbook: Comer, R. J. (2014). Abnormal psychology (8th Edition with DSM-5). New York, NY: Worth.
Welcome! This course will introduce you to the major principles of assessing and treating abnormal behavior. I expect you to attend class regularly and to complete all reading assignments before each class. I will use class time for lectures, discussions, videos, and class demonstrations of psychological concepts.
Three Exams. Your exams are each worth 100 points (300 points total). The exams are 80% multiple choice (40 questions worth 2 points each) and 20% essay questions (4 questions worth from 4 to 6 points each) based on classroom activities and the textbook. The exams will each focus on six chapters and are not cumulative.
Case Conceptualization Paper. You will write a four-page paper (double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and 12 point font) worth 50 points after you watch a movie or read a book that focuses on someone’s experience of a psychological disorder. Your paper needs to describe: 1) the best diagnosis and diagnostic criteria that apply to a main character with examples, 2) three other diagnoses and criteria you gave or ruled out with examples of character behavior; 3) three theoretical causes of the disorder for that character with examples; and 4) three effective evidence-based treatment approaches for the disorder and how they might change the character’s behavior. You should write approximately a page on each of these four areas.
Extra Credit. You can earn up to 8 points of extra credit that is added onto your point total for the course. There are two ways to earn these points. First, you can participate as a volunteer for up to four hours in psychology department research (2 points per hour). Alternatively, you can write a summary and critique (half summary and half critique) about a human service experience you have engaged in (job or volunteer experience) during college that is up to four typed pages (2 points per page).
Missed Exams. You can make-up a missed exam if you have a note from a physician indicating that you could not do the exam. The professor will consider other reasons for missing an exam and will decide whether to allow a student to make-up the exam. Make-up exams may have a different format from the original exam.
Honor Code. The Honor Code of George Mason University deals with cheating and attempted cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing. Students should follow the code and connected policies, set out at http://oai.gmu.edu/. I may enter a failing grade for anyone found guilty of an honor code violation.Academic Accommodations. If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703-993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office.
Psychology in the Community. With instructor permission, you can enroll simultaneously in Psychology in the Community (PSYC 328) for one credit.
Official Communications via GMU E-mail: Mason uses electronic mail to provide official information to students. Examples include communications from course instructors, notices form the library, notices about academic standing, financial aid information, class materials, assignments, questions, and instructor feedback. Students are responsible for the content of university communication sent to their mason e-mail account, and are required to activate that account and check it regularly.
Technology. Students are not required to use any technology.
Grading. I will base your final grade on your point total (exams worth 300 points and paper worth 50 points for a total of 350 points) as defined below.
A+ = 338 - 350 (97% or more) A = 324 - 337 (93 – 96%) A- = 314 - 323 (90 - 92%)
B+ = 303 - 313 (87 - 89%) B = 289 - 302 (83 - 86%) B- = 279 - 288 (80 - 82%)
C+ = 268 - 278 (77 - 79%) C = 254 - 267 (73 - 76%) C- = 244 - 253 (70 - 72%)
D = 209 - 243 (60 - 69%) F = 000 - 208 (below 60%).
Course Topics, Reading Assignments, and Exam Dates.
5.16 Ch. 1: Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present; pp. 1-23.
5.18 Ch. 3: Models of Abnormality; pp. 47-81. Ch. 4: Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment; pp. 83-111;
5.20 Ch. 5: Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders; pp. 113-151.
5.23 Ch. 6: Stress Disorders; pp. 153-187. Ch. 7: Somatic and Dissociative Disorders; pp. 189-221.
5.25 *** EXAM 1 *** Then Ch. 8: Mood Disorders; pp. 223-255.
5.27 Ch. 9: Treatment for Mood Disorders; pp. 257-283. Ch. 10: Suicide; pp. 285-315.
5.30 * Memorial Day Holiday *
6.1 Ch. 11: Eating Disorders; pp. 317-345.
6.3 Ch. 12: Substance Use Disorders; pp. 347-385.
6.6 Ch. 13: Sexual Disorders; pp. 387-423.
6.8 *** EXAM 2 *** Then Ch. 14: Schizophrenia; pp. 425-447.
6.10 Ch. 15: Treatment for Schizophrenia; pp. 449-473. Ch. 16: Personality Disorders; pp. 475-515. *** CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION PAPER due ***
6.13 Ch. 17: Childhood Disorders; pp. 517-559. Ch. 18: Aging and Neurocognitive Disorders; pp. 561-587.
6.15 Ch. 19: Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession; pp. 589-616.
6.17 *** EXAM 3 *** and * EXTRA CREDIT due *