Chapter 2 -- Current Theories in Psychopathology
I. Genetic Theory
A. All behavior is heritable (22,000 genes) and psychopathology is polygenic
B. Gene Expression – genes make proteins that switch on and off other genes
C. Genotype is physical sequence of DNA (Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine)
D. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) differ in sequence and Copy Number Variations (CNVs) differ in structure, additions or deletions
E. Phenotype is the observable behavior
F. Serotonin Transporter gene (5-HTT) If one has two short alleles or one short and one long allele plus childhood maltreatment or severe life stress, it predicts depression
G. Epigenetics – How environment alters gene expression or function, such as life stress, behavior, or nutrition
II. Neuroscience Theory
A. Neurotransmitters and hormones (cortisol during stress) cause abnormality
B. Key neurotransmitters are: Norepinephrine and GABA (anxiety), Dopamine and Serotonin (depression, mania, and schizophrenia)
C. Cerebral Cortex Functioning
1. Frontal lobe: movement, inhibition, emotions
2. Parietal lobe: bodily sensations like touch
3. Occipital lobe: vision
4. Temporal lobe: hearing, speech and language
D. Limbic System: Hippocampus consolidates memory and spatial navigation, smaller in PTSD, depression, schizophrenia, and alzheimers
E. Interventions with medication, biofeedback, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery
F. Medications have negative side effects
III. Cognitive Theory
A. Negative and irrational thoughts lead to negative moods and behaviors
B. Change with cognitive restructuring, dispute and reframe negative thoughts
C. Difficult to verify someone’s thoughts, depend on self-report
IV. Emotional Theory
A. Emotions are brief physiological responses, minutes to hours
B. Mood is more persistent
C. Affect is bodily appearance and expression of emotions
D. Cognitive appraisals influence emotions
E. Behaviors communicate emotions
F. Abnormality results from the inability to understand and express emotions
to meet personal needs
G. Treatment focuses on developing relaxation skills, identifying patterns
of emotions, and clear expression of emotions
V. Sociocultural Theory
A. Disturbed relationships and discrimination cause abnormality
B. Interpersonal therapy generates responses to relationship problems, increases support
C. Family therapy encourages the family to relate to each other in new ways
D. Group therapy helps people develop social skills and communication
E. Social influences are difficult to measure and change
VI. Biopsychosocial Integrated Perspectives
A. Technical eclecticism uses specific techniques from different theories
to assess client and treat problem
B. Theoretical integration brings two or more theories together to assess and
treat the client (biobehavioral approach to ADHD)
C. Common factors approach suggests that support, learning, and action from
different theories are present in effective psychotherapy