Chapter 5 – Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology
I.APA Ethical Principles 2002 (Aspirational)
A. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence (benefit and do no harm)
B. Fidelity and Responsibility (serve the best interests of the client)
C. Integrity (accuracy and honesty)
D. Justice (fairness)
E. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
II. APA Ethical Standards (Enforceable)
1. Resolving ethical issues (informal resolution first)
2. Competence (matches training, continuing education)
3. Human relations (avoid harassment)
4. Privacy and confidentiality (inform client)
5. Advertising and public statements (no false statements)
6. Record keeping and fees (cannot withhold records)
7. Education and training (accuracy and feedback)
8. Research and publication (informed consent, share credit for publication)
9. Assessment (maintain test security)
10. Therapy (informed consent, no sex with client)
III. Ethical Decision Making
A. Commit to ethical behavior
B. Become familiar with APA ethical code
C. Check law and professional guidelines
D. Consult with supervisors and colleagues
E. Evaluate alternatives
F. Implement the most ethical actions
G. Evaluate effectiveness
H. Continue to evaluate as necessary
IV. Ethical Issues
A. Confidentiality
1. Limits when there are dangers to self or others (mandated reporting for child or elder abuse, duty to warn when others are in danger)
2. Limits for legal proceedings, insurance reports
B. Informed Consent
1. Spells out the service and financial cost
2. Policy for missed sessions
C. Competence
2. Experience
3. Emotional Stability
D. Minimize Multiple Relationships (avoid exploitation)
E. Clinical Assessment
1. Use reliable and valid measures
2. Protect tests, data