Chapter 15 -- Cognitive Psychotherapy
I. Transition to Cognitive Therapy from Behavior Therapy
A. Behavior Therapy did not always work
B. Dissatisfaction with Psychoanalytic Therapy
C. Modeling and Observational Research changes beliefs in ability to do a behavior, called self-efficacy (Bandura)
D. Combination of cognitive and behavioral therapy is often more effective
E. Our thoughts influence our emotions, behaviors, and social interactions;
II. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
A. Uses A-B-C-D-E model (Albert Ellis)
1. Activating event
2. Beliefs that are irrational
3. emotional Consequences such as negative emotions
4. Dispute irrational beliefs
5. develop Effective new belief
B. Goal is to maximize rational and minimize irrational thinking
III. Cognitive Therapy
A. Cognitive therapy focuses on logical thinking (Aaron Beck)
1. People develop negative schema about the self, the world, and the future (negative triad)
2. Client tests beliefs as hypotheses, examines evidence, and replaces incorrect beliefs
B. Thought Record
1. Keep track of daily situations, negative emotions, and automatic thoughts
2. Develop adaptive thoughts and evaluate outcome of more positive emotions
C. Common thought distortions
1. Jumping to conclusions (ignoring evidence)
2. All-or-nothing thinking (describe extremes)
3. Catastrophizing (expect the worst)
4. Mind reading (presuming negative thoughts by others)
D. Rigid negative thoughts and lack of openness to alternative explanations and evidence
IV. Mindfulness and Acceptance Therapies
A. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
1. Mindfulness – pay full attention without evaluation, let thoughts come and go, do not have to believe thoughts
2. FEAR (Fusion of thoughts and feelings, Evaluation, Avoidance, and Rationalization) creates problems
3. ACT (Accepting inner experience, Choosing based on values, and Taking action) reduces problems
B. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
1. Emotion regulation – describe and accept emotions
2. Distress tolerance – self-soothing and impulse control skills, such as distraction and relaxation
3. Interpersonal effectiveness – assertive skills
4. Mindfulness – engage with thoughts, feelings, and sensations instead of avoid them
C. Metacognitive Therapy (reduce negative thoughts about thoughts, reduce worry and rumination)