

NACE Sites

National Capital Parks -East

Permanent Lichen Biomonitoring Sites in NACE

The National Capital Parks - East encompasses over 8,000 acres of park land and includes 14 sites near Washington, D.C. of historical, natural or recreational significance. Permanent lichen biomonitoring sites have been located at five of these sites.

At each location, abundance of tree-inhabiting macrolichens was recorded and  a specimen of the common lichen Flavoparmelia caperata was collected for elemental analysis.

Links are available to each site location, where all available data can be obtained. Summary data can also be obtained for all sites in NACE:

NACE lichens

NACE elements

NCR Lichens Home


Links to Sites:

NACE 01 Fort Dupont
NACE 02 Kenilworth Gardens
NACE 03 Greenbelt Park
NACE 04 Oxon Hill
NACE 05 Marshall Hall