Tag dated 3/04/2006: a row of ghosts and haunted coat-racks/

I’m trying to keep my hand in a sliver of light from the door as long as I can. We came late today, that’s what’s left of the afternoon.

There's debris everywhere: pieces of wood, trash, PVC piping. There’s a lot of piping. Some plumbing contractor must have had a space in here before it was foreclosed or whatever happened to it. Weird how they left so much good stuff still bundled up in plastic and unused. 

There are some wheeled coat-racks in the hall. Liam charges me with one, a few coat-hangers clatter together. I catch the other end of it but he twists his end and knocks me down. A coat-hanger falls off too. He wins.

“You’re making too much noise,” Miri says. She is spray-painting a row of ghosts on the wall. She takes her dust mask down and turns to look at us. “One day someone’s going to come in here.”

Liam reaches to help me up but I slap his hand away.  I can see dust spiraling in the sliver of light when I get up. The coat-hangers are all swinging. That’s what’s left of the afternoon.