Web Site Evaluative Criteria
Loading and Viewing
- Does the page load quickly (especially images and icons)?
- Does it use javascript or other special effects? Does it use them properly?
- Is loading hampered by background images or sounds? Are they needed?
- Is it platform and browser independent?
- Will it look good in Mozilla-based browsers and IE? Will it work on older software?
Visual design and layout
- Can the page be viewed without too much scrolling ?
- vertical (up & down) scrolling is OK, but horizontal (back & forth) is a serious flaw
- Is the text legible against the background?
- Do ads "pop-up" or "pop-under" in a new window as the page loads?
- Does the page use frames? Does it have to? Does it use them properly?
- Who, presumably, is the audience for the site?
- How can you tell?
- Does the page present original information? Links to other sources?
- Is the content appropriate for the site's presumed audience?
- Is the content relevant; that is, does the site provide insightful new information, a collection of well-chosen links, or a haphazard, thrown-together collection of "possibly interesting" information?
- Do the links work?
- Are the links presented in some logical order?
- Do the links lead to authoritative sites?
- Do they lead to current sites?
- When was the page last updated?
- How can you tell?
- Who is responsible for the information on the page?
- What authority do they have?
- Have they written other works, either on the web or in print?
- Has their work been reviewed by others in the field?
- Is this an official page or a personal homepage? How can you check?
- Are there links back to a institutional or official home page?
- Is there a mailto link to the webmaster or content authority?
- Is the site a promotion or an advertisement for a product or a service?
- Is the author taking sides in a controversial issue?
- If so, are other sides represented accurately and fairly?
- If not, are you certain there really is no disagreement on this issue?
Dean Taciuch
GMU English Department
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons License.