Dr. Dean Taciuch
George Mason University
Summer 2022

English 302: BS1
Course Schedule

Weekly Course Schedule

Week 1 (June 7 – 12)

Lesson 1: Introduction to the course
Review the course syllabus and course schedule
Finding conversations in your field – Academic and professional discourse communities
Read GMU Library Subject Guide for your field.
Watch Academic Disciplines - Social Sciences
Watch Inform Your Thinking: Episode 1 - Research is a Conversation
Read instructions for Research Log 1: Professional Organizations and Advocacy Groups

Lesson 2: Choosing topics of interest
Read How to Select a Research Topic
Read Overview - Selecting a Research Topic
Post in Preliminary Research Topics due Sunday June 12

Week 2 (June 13 – 19)

Lesson 3: Reading Rhetorically – Professional Publications
Review the key terms in the lesson module
Determining types of sources/Evaluating sources

Read the following resources from the George Mason University Library. Note that all of the following sources are charts that can also be downloaded as PDFs. 

Post Trade Source Analysis (discussion) by Thursday June 16

Lesson 4: Watch: Evaluating Sources
Optional Watch (but definitely worth it): Check Yourself with Lateral Reading

Read Search Terms
Read Searching with Keywords - Research Skills Tutorial
Research Log 1 and Reflection Due Sunday June 19

WEEK 3 (June 20 – 26)

Lesson 5: From topic to question – Using keywords and search terms

Read "How to Write a Research Question"
Post in Research Questions discussion by Thursday June 23

Lesson 6: Finding scholarly, peer reviewed sources

Read instructions for Research Log 2: Scholarly Sources
Read instructions for the Literature Review
Watch Library tutorial

WEEK 4 (June 27 – July 3)

Lesson 7: Reading rhetorically – Analyzing in-text citations in scholarly sources

Watch "Parts of a Reference" video

Lesson 8: Advanced citation mining strategies

Complete Library module
Post Source Evaluation (discussion) by Thursday June 30
Research Log 2 and Reflection Due Sunday July 3

WEEK 5 (July 5 – 10)

Lesson 9 : Refining the research question – Key terms and stakeholders

Watch this tutorial about narrowing a topic and research question: Narrowing Your Topic
Read the Writing Center handout, "How to Write a Research Question."
Read "Narrow a Research Question" and "Identify Key Words"

Post in Literature Review Audience discussion by Thursday July 7

Complete Narrowing the Research Question worksheet by Sunday July 10

Lesson 10: Putting the research together – Audience, genre, purpose

Read Literature Reviews
Read Writing a Literature Review
Read Literature Reviews (una)

WEEK 6 (July 11 – 17))

Lesson 11: From question to complex thesis
Read Citation Formats
Post in Final Research Question discussion by Thursday July 14

Lesson 12: Source integration – Synthesis Matrix

Review Wrench et al.

Browse this document explaining how to build a synthesis matrix
Complete Creating a Synthesis Matrix by Sunday July 17


WEEK 7 (July 18 – 24)

Conferences/Lit Review drafts

Literature Review is Due Sunday July 24

WEEK 8 (July 24 – 30)

Lesson 13: Advocacy letter – Genre & Audience

Read instructions to Advocacy Letter Assignment
Read Effective Advocacy Letters
Read Write a Letter to Your Legislator
Read Effective Advocacy
Read sample advocacy letters posted on Blackboard

Post in Reflection discussion by Thursday July 28

Complete the Audience Analysis for advocacy letter by Saturday July 30



This course schedule was developed by the George Mason Composition Program, and it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.)

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