Dr. Dean Taciuch

George Mason University

Spring 2021

English 302
Grading Rubric




 Audience Engagement




Strong organization at both the essay and paragraph levels

Strong thesis. Logical and insightful supporting points

Engages the reader and anticipates audience questions and concerns

Uses language carefully: subordination, coordination, parallel structure. Few if any minor errors



Strong organization at both the essay and paragraph levels

Strong thesis. Logical supporting points

Engages the reader and anticipates audience questions and concerns

Language is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.



Well organized at the essay level; may have paragraph-level organizational issues

Clear thesis. Some unclear supporting points

Demonstrates good awareness of reader concerns

Some unclear sentences, but overall language is clear.


Good organization at the essay level; may have paragraph-level organizational issues

Good thesis, may have some unclear supporting points

Demonstrates some awareness of reader concerns

Some unclear or vague language


Lacks organization at the essay level

No thesis.
Lack of support

Demonstrates no awareness of reader concerns

Unclear or confusing language may interfere with comprehension


Does not fulfill the requirements for the assignment.

An essay that meets all four categories will receive the listed grade, except for F-level. An essay that meets three categories will receive the listed grade, but as a minus. Meeting two will result in the lower grade, but as a +. For example, strong organization and thesis with good support (A-level qualities), but a lack of audience awareness and some grammar issues (B-level qualities) would be a B+.

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