English 343: 001 / NCLC 343:001
Textual Media
Final Project
The final project for English 343 will build on the critical and technical skills you've developed in this course. This assignment calls upon you to construct and present an interactive digital text. The immediate audience will be the other members of the class, but as with everything online, the potential audience includes anyone with Internet access.
There is no assigned topic for this project. The project should be a critical work, though it should deal with its subject creatively. Manifestos, artistic statements, and creative arguments are all welcome. You should use the technology to make your point in ways which would be impossible in other media.
The project must include
- at least ten interlinked screens
- at least two navigation paths or routes through the screens (at least one of which must be something other than "next screen" linearity)
- meaningful audience interaction
Final Project: 15%
The projects will be presented to the class. Each presentation should be roughly 10-15 minutes. When you present your production to class, please
- rehearse
- identify which aspects of the production you want to present
- work from notes; do not read from the screen.
- prepare a backup version (on CD or other removable media) in case of tech problems
- time your presentation
Presentation: 10%