Student Comments
Fall 05 to Spring 06 Teaching Evaluation Period

It was wonderful to do this course…I have a lot of new ideas on my mind now…I’m changing myself Dawn, you are changing me. That’s [why] I believe that one day I will be like you. – Vasko Ivanoski

You were such a big help to me. Your feedback on the online classes was very helpful and inspiring. This program has changed the way I teach. I don't think I can say anything to top that. Thanks again for all your help. Always, Allen

I just wanted to e-mail you to tell you that my students are enjoying immensely the Power Points that we are doing in class.  I am doing my internship and I have 6 beginning ESL students from 3rd and 5th grade. One of the things that we do is summarize stories that we work on in class - they write, in their own words, what happened and they use their new vocabulary.  They were doing this and I decided to scan some pictures from the book into an 8-slide PowerPoint and let them type in their summaries on Power Point.  They loved this. Now, they are writing new endings to the story so I'm scanning in their illustrations and they will have a Power Point with two endings that they can show to their classes. (Much like what we did in your class.)  They are really motivated to this and they end up with something that looks so 'cool'
compared to a paper version. For now I am doing all the set-up in Power Point and they do the typing (and running).I must say that the ideas I got in your class have proved very useful -
just thought you should know ;-)Hope all is going well with your studies and teaching -Christy Prosch

Dawn:  Simply, THANK YOU for talking with me.  I am leaning toward enrolling for the summer session and
giving it a try.  :) - Ron

Thanks so much---again!  You've taken this much time to explain this to me, an I am truly grateful.  I have been feeling kind of punky--thinking that since I'm not a real teacher, I'm not quite "getting it."  Theresa

Again thank you so very much for what you have done for me and how understand you have been..It feels really great to have someone who understands life and how things come up and sometime more for some than have been a great asset to my life this past year and i want to thank you for everything that you have done..Without you in this program and be so supportive and understanding..I would not have made it...
thank you for all you do and you will never know how much you truely mean to me and you will never know how much you truely helped me in this class as well as in life in general..
thank you so much - Jason